Bros... It's over... Sony lost

Bros... It's over... Sony lost.

Attached: 2021 Exclusive Titles.jpg (1080x1920, 231.99K)

2021 is going to be the hail mary for the Switch against the big new consoles.
I think they have a good chance of maintaining momentum such taht they'll still be on equal footing with the PS5 and SeX into 2022.
The big thing that would give the Switch an edge is if Microsoft put their xCloud or Game Pass streaming apps on the Switch to let it stream from a local Xbox to the Switch.

Who cares? Switch is a last-gen console. Nobody plays with those baby toys anymore.

This image is hilarious.

>sony literally has nothing
>all Nintendo has is cinematic experiences

The absolute state of the "next gen".

Attached: spy laugh.jpg (300x168, 6.16K)

I will not buy a switch until there are at least 5 games to play.
>No more Heroes 3
Still waiting.

i hate that shit

>Monster Hunter
>No More Heroes
>Pokemon Snap
>Cinematic Experiences

Are you ACfag by any chance?

It doesn't come down to any one thing

>either PS5 or XSeX has a major launch fuckup
>Switch Pro
>software for the year, especially if, again, the other two fuck up

Monster Hunter consists of watching slow, boring attack animations for hours on end. People only like No More Heroes because they're losers like Travis, so they can relate. Bayonetta has you watching her slowly strip in place of actual gameplay. Pokemon Snap is entirely on rails with ZERO player agency. All as cinematic as it gets, faggot.

Why did gran turismo not have a main game on ps4? Sport was really disappointing.

No Call of Duty on Switch? Meh

Atleast 3 of the games on nintendo side are not announced nor confirmed in any capacity for a 2021 release, but i get your point

The only good games in this image are SMTV, Stories 2 and maybe NMH3. Also what's the game between NMH and Gunvolt?

Pokémon Snap is actually

Pocky & Rocky 2021

I have a PS4 and a switch and a pre ordered PS5.
I'm above your poorfags scuables.

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I'm excited for both because I will have both.

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>playing *rpg games
>playing empty world games
I'll choose ps5 just for gt, at least it has actual gameplay

no you wont, idort

>the only reason people even like these series is either blind brand fanboyism, muh waifus, or muh wacky zany anime plots
>not a single person ever likes the gameplay

Hmmm, are they cinematic?

I'm buying every single one of those games and theres nothing you can do

Attached: The Lie Eater.jpg (1688x1200, 1.78M)

Switch is current gen until Nintendo releases a new console user

>BotW 2
When exactly is that supposed to be coming out? Next Christmas?

Looks cute, but I wouldn't really brag about it being an exclusive worth getting a switch for.

God of War alone is better than 98% of that Switch list. Now get upset and cope lolololololol

>God of War
Fucking kek

>Attack animations make a game an cinematic experience.

No it doesn't faggot.

When the animation is so long that you can put down the controller for an extended period of time, I'd say that makes it cinematic.

>w-well you have to press the button once every 5 seconds! that;s a good thing, isn't it?!

Is that hill you want to die on?

Attached: xenoblade gameplay.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

EX Boltreaver proofs?

Specs don't matter when you have nothing fun to play. If specs mattered, how comes we enjoyed playing back then when games weren't in 4k 120fps and still enjoy playing them ?

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True, but I think he's onto something in a way he didn't intend. The Switch is vastly behind even the indie game scene due to how their game focus is on shallow brand recognition, instead of actually improving their gameplay quality. For example, BOTW fans argue that the game running at sub-30 FPS is an "artistic choice" and that 60 FPS would ruin the game. fans of Pokemon argue that Nintendo should be allowed to nickel and dime people with DLC and deliver less content because "we need to think about the poor multi-billion dollar devs and their profit margins". Mario and Kirby fans regularly talk about how games shouldn't be challenging because that's "toxic masculinity at work" and that children might feel isolated if the game doesn't give them too much leeway.

Overall, despite Nintendo's attempts to separate themselves from the competition, they've repeated the exact same sins almost verbatim, all for the sake of profit.

Hmm, it’s almost like the existing console with nearly four years of momentum has more upcoming games in development than the console that isn’t even out yet.

Shouldn't really matter.
Compare Switch first year if you will.