ITT: The Comfiest Source Maps

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dm_equilibre on TTT

goldsrc = soul
source = soulless

>not thinking both are some of the most soulful engines ever made

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de_district23 for CS:S. really nice atmosphere, almost makes me want to use night vision on it.

The early versions of gm_construct that had the cloudy weather and scuffed grass. However, peak soul was playing DarkRP servers on any gm_construct and just seeing what kind of bases people build around the map. Top comfy when it was bustling with players and tons of cool bases around the map

it's a love/hate relationship

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rp_downtown, home.

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Any gmod zs map is comfy for me


For me it's gm_infinigrass, its seemingly infinite appearance matches Gmods seemingly infinite sandbox nature.

comfy map

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beautiful map

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The actual physical map is also the largest physical size a source map can be btw, can just barely fit this ISD

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gm_infiniteconcrete is another comfy one

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>the comfy maps are just unadorned flat planes
ask me how i know you have legitimate, real autism

Flat planes are best for sandbox stuff desu, this one is great because of the illusion of nigh infinite space, also really fun for testing nukes on

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I used to play this one server that 24/7 ran this one map where you spawned in a big circular room full of bots, then there was a teleporter to a big outdoor area with a big house in the middle and four towers in each corner. I can't remember the server or the map name.

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while the concrete map satisfies my megastructure fetish desu

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I love simple architecture like this

I know right? It stirs the imagination thinking of all the ways you can use it for, like making bases, trackmania style racetrack or whatever, just exploring it is fun too, sort of Naissancee feels, check out the map if you haven't already, there aren't many maps in gmod like this one

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what if he has to pee?

god damn, ive never played that map before but it does look fucking comfy

i wish Zig Forums could make a comfy darkrp or murder server..

it's not THAT good of a map but i spent a lot of time on it throwing myself off a cliff with ragmorph or riding around on hoverboards.

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Did anyone just spend alot time placing npcs down in random maps and creating some sort of shooting course? or pose ragdolls around the place to create a scene?