Remember when Nintendo hardware was considered to be the most physically durable among game consoles?

remember when Nintendo hardware was considered to be the most physically durable among game consoles?
What happened to 'Nintendium'?

Attached: nint.png (635x296, 259.88K)

Nips found out that too much durability and reliability is bad for profit. Learn what planned obsolescence is goy.

Unironically? Nobody bought a Wii U and then Iwata died. So they shifted HARD into a "money first games second" company. Old series taking a more modern approach to things to appeal to a wider market, cheaper materials to cut manufacturing costs/to create a revenue stream through planned obsolescence, rushing games that clearly still need time too cook out just to fill spots in a yearly lineup. This isn't the same nintendo anymore. It may still have some of the same people but company culture has shifted HARD there.

The Switch isn't even made by Nintendo, its mostly just a Nvidia tablet.

But Iwata already oversaw the Swtich before he died. Its the last console attributed to him.

Also 3DS's are pretty fragile.

are you retarded

Most Nintendo consoles are poorly designed pieces of shit that have no longevity. Amazingly the N64, one of Nintendo's worst consoles, is pretty reliably put together.

>macbooks arent made by Apple they are just Intel laptops

And? Doesn't mean he approved of everything else. The switch idea is genius. Its everything else about how it has been handled that's...lacking to say the least
>3DS is fragile
I've had literally 4 different models and dropped each at least once and one up to like 5 times. They all still hold up like champs.

Nvidia Tablet with underclocked socs

I mean thats just a product of the times. A modern phone will break much more easily than a nokia, just because theres more parts and a nokia is less intricate.

Thats why Nintendo can sold 10x times more than the competition

See faggot need to have 4 gameboys in 1 gen just for marios and pokemons

the launch model 3DS systems touch screen scratched the top screen

nes, gb, snes (especially shvc models), gamecube (overdriven laser), wii's, wii u tablets, ds, ds lites are all prone to failure or suffer from fragility.

the nintentards have arrived

>Also 3DS's are pretty fragile.
i dont recall either my 3ds or n3ds being fragile desu. i do recall the n3ds nub being defect out of box tho

Im talking about the OG 3DS, which was pretty shitty, AND they had the gall to charge it for 250 at launch. The fuck were they thinking?

I mean yeah but a few scratches are nothing compared to surviving serious drops.

why are these threads made exclusively by underage faggots?

open up a model 1 NES, literal garbage with a point of failure that was purposely designed to trick idiots to buying replacement consoles in a few years.

>So they shifted HARD into a "money first games second" company.
Nintendo have always been this way.

don't be a idiot
my dad would hit me with my gamecube holding it by the handle and that shit still works

Wtf? The OG 3ds? Thats the most fragile? Now I know you're lying and never owned one. It's literally one the more robust 3ds models lol. That shit would survive like 3 times the amount of drops the newest model could.

Newfags all over the fucking place. My n64 controllers are unusable

Don't be a fucking drone. Nintendo have always been greedy, corner cutters with an outright disgust of their customers.

i'd beat your faggot ass too.
nintendium as you dog wanking cock smokers love to screech never existed.

>The switch idea is genius.
Sooo a cellphone? Even is built with a cellphone SoC.

>cellphone is a bad idea
The state of out of touch boomers lmao. Have you been outside lately?

This. Where are these zoomers coming from? Nintendo has always been about cutting costs since the NES/Yamamuchi era. Name a single pro consumer thing they've ever done. They're praised because of their talented developers, not their business.

just mod that out

>cellphone soc
Without cellphone

The state of nintendocucks

I'm glad to see others recognising "Nintendium" as the gayest, cringeiest drone myth that it is

That’s business 101 faggot are you all on Zig Forums illiterate collegeless plebians?

Why don't like...idk other game companies steal devs from nintendo by offering them way more money then?? It's a no brainer. Better devs with maybe better business decisions and boom, you now control the game market