Why do they refuse to see the writing on the wall?
No one knows.
Wait the prize is working more?
>10 extra labor hours
as opposed to normal hours? what does this even mean
The store that wins is allocated more hours
Gamestop employees famously work 5-10 hours a week because they only have enough labor hours for managers
Wagies need the extra hours to make more money so they can pay the monthly fee for being alive in the US.
Places like this seldom offer fulltime hours for those looking for them, though usually during holidays there's more hours than they have bodies to fill them. You've gotta be extremely good at your job, and have the right personality to actually scrape something like a full time job from these places, and it's usually at others expense if you 'make it'. That being said even when the option is there, I always found it hard to bring myself to want to go above 40 during holidays because it's awful
Imagine being a wagie.
I hate late stage capitalism.
I hate corporate greed.
I always wondered what this meant, someone with a job or someone with a shit job?
Lmao based Reggie making those wagie monkeys dance for their pocket change.
Someone with a job, regardless of job.
someone who works for a living, who has a job and is making money.
>Ridicule yourself in public so you can earn the privilege of working more hours
It's like something out of a Black Mirror episode.
desu it's better than late-stage communism in which all those GameStop employees would have starved to death or been sent to the gulag already
A cog in the machine who surrendered their heart, everything it means to be a human, to the system for a bit of green paper.
Someone who works a shitty hourly job.
Well that's dumb I enjoy my job.
Most jobs that pay by the hour rigorously make sure you never work more than X amount of hours a week. For example my last job would fuck with your scheduling if you got anywhere near 30 and you'd mysteriously get scheduled for 14-16 hours the next week so they could avoid paying you overtime among other things. If that didn't work, usually around the holidays, they would just straight up tell you to go home regardless of whether or not you still had time in your shift.
The 10 extra hours means thats basically another full day they can work on top of what they would normally be scheduled for.
Workers in america have no rights and are easily replaced.
Why is more work a prize?
the people who coined the term together were most likely people that don't and project as well as government handouts.
It's redditspeak for what the japs call "salaryman".
i don't really want gamestop / eb to die they always have physical games so much cheaper compared to amazon, more stock too amazon tends to sell out quicker
Everyone at my Gamestop is laughing their ass off about this. I'm a fucking SGA and only get like 11 hours a week. Shit sucks. I'd get one of those Amazon Warehouse jobs but they just seem like dystopian nightmare fuel.
>I enjoy being a slave so I'm not a slave
Good wagie, now get back into cagie
huh? who hurt you?
>Good wagie, now get back into cagie
What the fuck does this even mean, I'm a vascular surgeon.
>Wagies competing for who can get in the cagie now
No it isn't you mouth breathing retard. Salarymen are paid a SALARY and are not doing hourly monkey work. They have decent paying, mid level jobs that they will keep for the rest of their lives. "Wagies", or wagecucks, are paid an hourly WAGE and do menial tasks that could be handed off to a well trained macaque if not for animal abuse laws.
10 HOURS! At 9 dollars an hour that 90 bucks, wow!
Go back into your bloodied cagie, wagie.
I went to school for something I enjoyed doing?
It's been corrupted by newfags but wagies are meant to be wageslaves working entry level jobs for shit pay.
Retail, flipping burgers, those kinds of jobs.
>wanting to actually be in surgery 18 hours a day because of all the fat fucks in the world having constant blood clots
you've mind fucked yourself, you're not normal.
Nah; wagies mean "anyone who works for a living".
Look, blockbuster just had to rip off netflix but investors said it was a waste of money and nobody would be into pay-to-stream movies.
Gamestop has online stores and that alone means they will be around for at least another two decades. Unfortunately.
>ruining something you enjoy doing by making it your job
again, I ask, who hurt you?
no you fuckin bootlicker, t's been corrupted by corporate shitters. sage slave means one who slaves for wage, which WAS originally just low tier shit jobs, but now encompasses pretty much anything that is making economic gain for our overlords at cost of our quality of life.
Corporate sends store management an allotment of hours they can divvy up into shifts. Typically there are not enough hours for the amount of employees because corporate is dumb and will hire on more people than they need/can actually give work too. What this means is everyone gets shitty hours, the employee's work in shifts (ie one week you work, the other you don't) or the even worse option is management picks favorites and fucks everyone else over.
SO what an extra 10 hours means is someone in a shitty job basically gets a free shift and their paycheck is an extra shift fatter. Why you wouldn't work two jobs in this case or be actively looking for not shit work so you don't have to deal with this is anyone's guess.
>Assistant Manager at a comic book store
I get $10.75 an hour, 40+ hours a week plus health insurance and dental to read comics, talk to other dorks about comics, and keep my surroundings tidy (all things i do anyway in my free time).
Must suck to be a fool and get a job doing something you don’t like. I wouldn’t know.
source: your ass
There “cage” references a literal cage that Amazon packaging employees were to be put into, so they could be lifted up and moved around to whatever area needed more production. It’s exactly as dehumanising as it sounds.
>>wanting to actually be in surgery 18 hours a day because of all the fat fucks in the world having constant blood clots
Well your not wrong, but I get a lot of time off and vacation days coming out my ass, but I can get called in for emergencies, I do really love my job though and it's something I'm good at.
I don't how it's such an odd concept that people enjoy their job.
wage and salary are completely different you fucking moron
>I get $10.75 an hour
user the floor is like $15 now. If you're job doesn't at least pay that you're getting fucked.
You're still getting fucked at $15 but at least they used lube.
Why they allowed to hire? :/
the better question is who are they hiring? Its well known gamestop is on the way out.
Do you consider roller coaster restraints to be “dehumanizing your human freedoms” too?
So you make $20k a year? Seems like you’d lose almost all of that on rent and food, and barely be able to live well. Probably depends on housing prices though
>Get fed propaganda constantly that unions are the devil and if you ever see anyone trying to unionize you should report it to your boss ASAP
>Try to unionize.
>They just close down the entire store and open a new one nearby to avoid treating workers like people
>If you live in the third world and work for an american company like Cocacola you just get shot for trying to pull that shit off.
What the fuck is wrong with Americans
how do you make an hour if you don't mind me asking?
Do you spend your entire day locked into roller coaster restraints, doing physical work in a packaging plant?
Probably lives with family or friends.
Not in Texas it isn’t. I live very comfortably and enjoy my work, plus it’s not the only thing in my life. Being a NEET doesn’t make you morally superior to people but by all means go off.
The concept has been bastardized like all things that get posted on the internet. It was people who worked shit jobs from paycheck to paycheck.
Only if you’re working retailshit. Get a factory job.
the cage thing is blown way out of proportion. It sounds really bad until you actually read the document and realize its on top of a robot with a fuck off big arm meant to be driven around other, autonomous robots who don't care about the squishy human.
>Workers in america have no rights
The situation you're describing is due to the opposite. Labor protection laws mandate employees get overtime pay, healthcare, etc., and it's setup around how many hours you work for a company. The result? Companies make sure their replaceable employees never get enough hours. So employees get cucked out of overtime, health insurance, AND hours. If you want around this learn a skill so you can get a job that's not replaceable by a crack addict.
One is voluntary. If you dont work at something and you can't pay rent then you become homeless and you will possibly die. Society says you have to work, and corruption has let the elite reap most of the benefits while the workers live to work and work to live.
>tfw covid made my shitty wagie job work from home so I can just play vidya on mute in the background
maybe being a wagie isnt so bad
He's a basement dweller if it wasn't obvious enough with the job.
I think it would be about the equivalent hourly rate of 192 dollars an hour give or take going off how much I make a year.