Was it really THAT bad?

Was it really THAT bad?

Attached: 535732-kingdom-hearts-iii-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x992, 193.04K)

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Attached: Sneed Dab.gif (1100x450, 325.71K)



it was never going to live up to the hype
however the data fights are incredible and the update did a lot to fix a lot of the issues with the combat

It's the best of the post-2 games. The big open worlds were a lot of fun to run around in, and the data fights were great. I don't care about the story.

>the data fights are incredible and the update did a lot to fix a lot of the issues with the combat
You're talking about 2FM, right?

Attached: Kingdom Hearts 2 Data Saix.webm (800x450, 2.99M)


it is a game I really really wanna play (and I never played the other two games)
>nb4 he doesnt know

shut the fuck up autist
every thread
KH3 data fights are good and i'm not interested in shitflinging with you for the trillionth time

I love KH2 including the data fights but lets be real, half the KH2 data fights are full of gimmicky shit and the ones that aren't can be easily cheesed with duck flare and what not like in the webm you posted.
KH3 fights require you to actually learn the fights.

No. It was a good game.

>He doesn't know

Solid 8/10 at launch. 9/10 with the dlc and updates. The seething autists elevate it to a 10/10 for me.

If you do play it I would just skip all the cutscenes and just enjoy the gameplay. The story will make zero sense anyway and it's like 12 hours of cutscenes.

>attempt to play through the series
>PS2, GBA, ios, PS2, psp, ios, PS4

Attached: mmm.jpg (249x226, 6.96K)

There's a single collection on PS4.

Why would you play a game deep in a series and not play the games preceding it?

Because I don't have time to play outdated vidya, user.

It's not the game's fault the cultural differences make it difficult for the low IQ Western half-apes to catch up with the plot via recaps.

then why would you want to play a game that is almost 2 years old?

Because KH4 isn't out yet.

but Melody of Memory will be in two weeks

Base game is like a 7/10
Remind is 10/10 and should have been included at launch for free

Lol Netflix trannies and girls btfo’d if they want to get into Castlevania

the gummi ship was my favorite part


It was literally fine and the hate for it, while warranted to an extent, was far overblown. My only complaint regarding Remind/Free Update is that you have to beat the game to get the fun as fuck new combo mods. I didn't entirely hate base Sora, however, and mixing/matching the combo mods was fun and experimental, wish they did more with it.

What happened was all the people who dipped after 2 came back and discovered none of the games since then have been good.

It literally wasn't.

Attached: Kingdom Hearts 3 do nothing to win.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

>you have to beat the game to get the fun as fuck new combo mods
They did fuck up not integrating them into the base game. Just dumping them on you at the end is weird.

>What is 358/2
>What is Birth by Sleep
>What is 3

>beginner mode aka baby mode
Come on user, you're better than that.

The encounter design is borked and does not feel well thought out compared to Sora's moveset. The combat updates paired with the data fights are 10/10 but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth since I never feel like replaying the base game whereas with 1 and 2 I'm always down to do full playthroughs.

That looks like Proud. Beginner wouldn't have that big damage chunk come off.

And let's not forget the other shitty ones
>All of the mobile shit
>Re:Coded was fine, but ironically unnecessary
KH as a franchise has far more shitty games than good games or even decent games. The eternal chuuni that is Nomura still fucking captivates people, somehow.

It wasn't that bad. It was as good as every vanilla KH game release.

It's Barry that's one of his webms

It was kino

Attached: m The End of Kingdom Hearts.jpg (680x383, 33.59K)

Not worth playing
A 5/10 build based RPG that only has one viable build and larps as an action game.
A 7/10 action game that is fun but not worth replaying beyond cycling through the data fights again.


Attached: Kingdom Hearts 3 Cinegrid.jpg (1750x1450, 2.75M)

>Everyone I don't like is Barry

>KH as a franchise has far more shitty games than good games
Insanely true. People shit on Sonic constantly these days but that franchise actually has a better track record than KH.

well to be fair he does use that webm a lot.

>What is 358/2
Not only is it the worst KH game by a wide margin, it's a bad game in general.

Every other game is good. Days is genuinely horrid.