How to sell your Steam account?

I have a steam account that has around 1200 games on it, most of which are very big and popular, etc, the thing is I don't really play most of them/have beaten most of them over the years. Through the external funds used calculator/steam account value thing I see that my account is worth around 6500. If I had 6500 or more I could basically buy back all the games that I would want back on another account, and still have plenty to spare.

How do I go about doing this? I have looked into various websites and such but i'm not sure I really trust any of them. Does anyone have experience with selling their steam account? Is it actually possible to get thousands of dollars out of it if you sell it correctly, and if so what would be the best method of doing so?

Attached: External Funds Spent.png (386x152, 27.47K)

Amount you've spent does not equal worth, it's probably not worth anywhere near $6000
In no case are you going to be able to buyback all your games with the money you make, otherwise it would be fucking retarded to buy an account

>wants to sell an account to buy back all the games on new account and get some spare money in the process
that'd never work retard

>In no case are you going to be able to buyback all your games with the money you make
I said I could buy back all the games I would want back
2 People who can't read

best i can offer you is $50

You're honestly fucked, only accounts that people buy are boosted shit for F2P games or MMOs

I'll buy it for $3.

It’s not worth it OP. The most you’re going to get it’s a couple hundred bucks, even if find someone retarded enough to buy it. Selling accounts only really works with consoles. A PC user can easily just pirate all those games.

>thousand of dollars
lol, delusional. you'll get max 200$ for it. maybe 350$ if it's an old < 5 dig with high steam level. nobody cares about your shitty 60$ single player games, they can all be cracked with pacsteam.


You're so fucking retarded kek.

>steamdrones realizing just now they don't own their games

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Last time I heard anything about that shit was back in 2010/2011 what does it even do compared to just normally downloading a pirated game? For example could I use it to play Stellaris with all the DLC+updates, or play games with workshop support for free without buying it and still able to use the workshop mods?

Most first world PC users buy games, shouldn't be that hard to find someone.


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Not worth anything. Now these games are worth worth something.

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How does it feel that your account is worth less than 2 used Nintendo games?

Please don't tell me you bought those thinking they are like new with that obviously fake wrapping.

Attached: 71VUoPrLq3L._AC_SL1024_.jpg (741x1024, 109.3K)

naw, its just a plastic cellophane dvd wrapper that i put on all games worth something.

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>Paying hundreds, maybe thousands, of dollars for something you can't use
I will never understand collectors.

because in 20 years some rich nostaligafag boomer will shill out 5-10k for those games

Rule of Rose plastic looks way too loose

no they won't

look at 1st gen Pokemon cards and early Nintendo games


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>Is it actually possible to get thousands of dollars out of it if you sell it correctly, and if so what would be the best method of doing so?
not how it works. I sold a ton and people don’t want specific games when they buy accounts. Most of the time they want rare achievements (like 10-15 yr old member) or high level. Why even sell it if you spent $6000?

its just one of these

Attached: s-l400.png (400x268, 121.52K)

>720 euroshekels
>over 1025 games

not if your a leaf

why not use a plastic case? seems like cellophane wouldn't do much to protect it

You'll get $2000 for it if you are lucky and don't get scammed.
If you find someone to buy it at all.