Why can't Japan do action games as well as the West?
Why can't Japan do action games as well as the West?
The west stopped making good games when they designed them for Consoles rather than PC exclusively
God of war is one of the most boring games I've ever played, it felt like shit. Older games were so much better.
>action games
This is some of the worst bait I've ever seen
God of War is shit. Play a real action game.
That shit is so fucking retarded not only in that game, like why not just show me a fucking cutscene? Why do I have to push my analog stick for all that time like a fucking retard lmao.
What's wrong with this? Is your attention span really that short? That segment was done to build atmosphere and for character development.
>What's wrong with this?
>The west stopped making good games when they designed them for Consoles rather than PC exclusively
...but every nip game is designed for console first?
quite the opposite
Gow 2>Gow 1>Gow 3 > ascension > new god of war.
As a long time fan of the series I hated new god of war
As far as moviegames go, GoW was pretty fun.
But the combat does feel a bit shallow at times, and the repetitive enemies certainly doesn't help..
God of War is kino
Name a better action game.
>inb4 hurr durr dmc 5
It's certainly a movie.
>cherrypicking a character development scene
>whack boss a few times
>run away
>rinse and repeat
wow so deep
Nu-GOW literally slides you across the floor to hit enemies.
how is it a movie? You are constantly doing videogame shit, sprinting around from place to place collecting gear and experience, exploring the overworld (lake) for different areas you can dock at, and every other room there is another big battle against mooks like this
>how is it a movie?
Constant scripted setpieces with zero meaningful interaction that might as well be cutscenes broken up with grossly oversimplified combat.
I would much prefer if the camera was locked on my character's back and on-screen prompts to know whats going on behind me. Also the moves are too flashy and it doesn't look enough like The Last of Us.
>good action game
lol you high niggu or just baiting?
>action game
>can't even turn off certain attacks when they get in the way of performing certain actions
Even a goddamn DS game was able to let you do that, what the fuck is GoW's excuse?
Decent bait, though could use some subtlety
>devil may cry
>metal gear rising
>slow-motion sjw shit
>broken up with grossly oversimplified combat.
yes. this is it
gow 1-3 had simple combat too but not this kind of bullshit
they traded gore and over the top action for MUH CINEMATIC EXP.
fuck them
the combat is actually very deep. You got the whole stun-bar mechanic thing (which encourages you to pursue enemies who are getting rocked especially hard, and is the main reason you use fists), status effects that you can inflict or can be inflicted on you, talismans that introduce a variety of unique special abilities, and a massive variety of passive enchantment abilities / effects (many with effects that proc based on your luck). Many precision throws will cancel larger enemy attacks and flinch them, or turn smaller enemies around for stun damage to the back, or knock them off their feet. Then you can freeze enemies with the heavy axe throw, sprinting up to punch them for massive shatter damage, or turning them into frost bombs when you hit them out of the air when they land, or insta-killing them if you pin them to a wall. Then you got all the different blades attacks and all the different runic attacks to add to the mix. Also spartan rage and the boy, w/ his runic attacks and stun / shock arrows. The boy is a huge thing because you can use him to fill in the gaps between all of Kratos moves and to distract enemies so you can get some breathing room or hit them in the back
The talisman ability used in this webm is a secret weapon only unlocked by socketing three specific rare enchantments into it
It's cinematic with unskippable cutscenes (like the old games) but certainly still a videogame
Have western devs EVER made a good action game?
The Warriors
You were saying?