Why, Sony?
Why won't you release it on PC?
It's literally free money, Dark Souls 1-3 sold more on PC than any other platform
Why, Sony?
Why won't you release it on PC?
It's literally free money, Dark Souls 1-3 sold more on PC than any other platform
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dark Souls 1-3 sold more on pc than any other platform
No they didnt
you did this same thread yesterday
Falseflagging grounded in realism
>Dark Souls 1-3 sold more on PC than any other platform
Yes they did
Dark Souls 1 on PC sold almost more than 360/PS3 combined
Yes they have.
Seething consoleniggers.
>inb4 "I was just pretending to be retarded"
Pc is irrelevant and a second thought for every dev
>Pc is irrelevant and a second thought for every dev
sounds like youre talking about incompetent developers that cant make fun games.
how typical.
That hasn't been the case since 2010. PC is the biggest moneymaker for every dev these days, and indies for example survive purely because of PC, and to a smaller extent, Switch.
There's a reason why nips are now bringing all their games to PC.
They'll remaster it for PS5 first.Once enough people have bought that $500 paperweight, they might port it to PC.
The average "high" profile indie game sells 5k on PS4, and 100k on PC.
I actually enjoy video games so I play on console
You care more about how a game runs than if it’s fun to play
The Hades devs said that PC is their primary platform and all others are afterthoughts in their recent Noclip interview.
In the first year. After few years the sales on PC will increase to about 500K while reaching 50k on PS4 might be a possibility.
>I actually enjoy video games so I play on console
No one believes that, not even you. You only buy a console because it's the popular thing to do because "OMFG ITS NEW!!! I HAVE TO OWN IT MAN FUCK! I WANT IT!!!".
>accusing someone else of this while you camp the page for the gtx 3k series
No one is buying a $1000 GPU because it's popular wtf. Are you seriously that retarded?
Why both Xbox and PS and Nintendo brings some of their games to PC then?
Stop making same threads every hour.
do your parents still buy your console? genuinely curious.
I’m 27
I outgrew my pc master race autism
You will some day too
It's not bait user, consoletards genuinely believe that.
>I’m 27
Okay that still doesn't answer the question. Is it too hard for you to read or something?
Technically every game is made for pc, then port it to any console. So it’s more about publish rights and all that office bullshit than a “second tought” for devs.
Indie games don't sell on PS4 and Xbox at all. Like... not even a little.
They're too busy buying FIFA and Call of Duty