Drink coffee in game

>Drink coffee in game
>Character gains massive speed boost

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i hate the taste of coffee, desu

unless you add so much sugar it would make anything taste good, and then whats the point

>Drink coffee in the morning
>Spent all morning in the bathroom

How to beat Marie 300%?

Try adding milk

>Drink coffee IRL
>Bowels shift to maximum overdrive
I can deal with the taste, but how do I get over the fact that I poop blood every time I try to enjoy a cup of joe?

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Is coffee

>then what's the point
making coffee taste good for you?

>game let's you add sweetener and milk to your coffee

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Wouldn’t coffee go right through her in a literal sense

>tfw unironically like the taste of coffee
>everyone always thinks I'm pretending to be a hardass by drinking my coffee black

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>Game has coffee as foreshadowing device

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You either drink it with hot sauce or you ain't a man

>Drink coffee
>Gains big cortisol belly

why is she still not playable

Why do us Skullgirlsbros have to suffer so?

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Why are skelly girls the best?

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>Horror game
>Potato screeches as you take a bite out of it.

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Life is suffering

>not enjoying black coffee

Because theyre fucking CUTE!

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>drink coffee in-game
>character chugs the entire thing at once

>Drink coffee in game
>Character has to take a wet shit 10 minutes later


Try not being addicted to sugar.

everyone likes to overthink shit, user, don't let it bother you

I've kicked coffee recently but for years I'd start every day with an espresso with a half teaspoon of butter. Extremely underrated.

>drink coffee
>urges to take a shit rise
I thought coffee isnt a laxative?

We’re posting Squigass right now?

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I dont think youre pretending to be a hardass. I just think you have absolutely fucking british tastebuds.

depends on how fast you drink it, I like sipping a cup for an hour or so


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Get into espresso or better coffee in general like pour over. If you're drinking trash stale walmart coffee from a drip machine six quarts at a time yeah that's a little weird. If you're actually passionate about making and drinking good coffee people are receptive. I love making drinks for people wherever they come over.

imagine not liking black coffee, I feel sorry you can't enjoy bitter big boy drinks.

Relax he’s probably a kid.


I drink it in around 20 minutes

Tea is better than coffee.

You’re supposed to drink it for breakfast with cookies or something. If you drink it after a heavy meal it could make you take a shit. Samething with Tea. >t.boomer

Coffee is a diuretic not a laxative. It's the caffeine that makes you shit because it spikes blood pressure. That's also why you get sweaty. That only happens when your tolerance is low. If you drank it every day it wouldn't happen anymore.

I fucking love the BBC

Pic related is me when I don't get my morning BBC

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