Daggerfall Unity is looking great


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looks like pure shit lmao fucking boomer nostalgia


I admire the amount of effort and dedication put into this, but the 3D graphics don't go at all with the sprites, and although a lot of bugs are erased and mechanics are improven... it's still Daggerfall.
It would be much better to make a "mod" or a romhack with 95% of the map cut, with reasons to explore and not just fast travel, dungeons with human comprehensible layouts and quests with a little more depth.
Or just play Oblivion, for that matter.

Still waiting on a mod that adds 3D models. The original spritework is decent, but it clashes with the higher resolutions and graphics settings DF Unity provides.

>reasons to explore
>layouts and quests with a little more depth

There are many mods for that user, archaeologists guild quest mod, Wilderness and Warm ashes adds dungeons exteriors and lot of wilderness encounters.

If I'm playing MOrrowind for the first time should I play vanilla or do I mod it? What mods would I need?


This is all you need..

also Reshade.


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Most people recommend vanilla, but I'd say check out the Nexus for an hour or so and see if any mods sound appealing to you.
A lot of mods for Morrowind add new features and content that doesn't really detract from the overall game.
It's not like Oblivion and Skyrim where the most popular mods are huge overhauls that change the entire core of the game.
Worst case scenario you have some mods planned out for future playthroughs

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1. Delayed Dark Brotherhood and Solstheim Rumor Fix mods to fix the way that the expansions impact the main game.
2. Morrowind Code Patch.
That's it.

Is that why I got attacked for fucking sleeping?
No wonder I got wrecked on my first day, why did it happen?

I thought it was already completed? Can Daggerfall even be ran on modern systems? Or do you need an older OS? I wouldn’t mind trying it.

Looks like a shitty Minecraft mod.

>Solstheim Rumor Fix
What's wrong with Solstheim? Is it the island with the skeletons? I already went there and died

>I thought it was already completed?
In terms of feature parity with the original, yes I believe it is.
>Can Daggerfall even be ran on modern systems? Or do you need an older OS? I wouldn’t mind trying it.
Daggerfall Unity can, no problem. To play the original off Bethesda's site I think you need to fuck around with DOSbox to run it and then download a draw distance fix

Originally the expac came on a thing called a "disc," and you'd insert it into the computer only when you were ready to install and play it.
Now that's not really a thing, and it's not worth disabling the content in the menu because you lose a feature in the journal that way.
It's just annoying to have it in every dialogue window, not a big deal compared to the other one.

It runs on DOS, so most the downloads are pre-prepared DosBox packages. So no, but actually, yes.

it's how you start the tribunal dlc, bethesda didn't think about new players

I thought OpenMW had most of the code patch fixes

There are some good bug fix mods that I would consider essential.


This vid is good, though a bit long. He explains what mods are good, how to get them, and where to install them in an easy enough to follow manner.

oblivion babs go to bed

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openMW is not vanilla enough.
There's several features (QoL and otherwise) and changes that you have no option to disable.

It's ideal for subsequent playthroughs or modding the game, though.

I played it on xbox first with no mods to get the most classic feel then I moved to pc mods and overhauls

I repeat
DO NOT play the game modded on your first run

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>though a bit long
>1 hour video


Thanks for the replies guys, after Morrowind what should I play? I've literally never played WRPGs and I'm fucking old now.
Do I play Gothic or what? Is there a chart with wrpgs? Should i play baldurs gate? I literally don't know what to play after

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depends on what you enjoyed the most about Morrowind, but I think you should play Arx Fatalis, just to see something that is a lot smaller in scale, but with more mechanical depth

nah, daggerfall's scale is part of its charm, even if it is a bit samey. There's a mod that uses proper algorithms to generate more realistic terrain. If you use that with the roads mod and the one that speeds up travel between towns, the huge distances between town acutally become pretty cool.

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of course you do end up with shit like this occasionally

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average JRPG town.