Crash 4 advertised as the big sequel to the first successful Crash games and remakes

>Crash 4 advertised as the big sequel to the first successful Crash games and remakes
>couldn't break a million sales after a month
Crashies BTFO, even Wrath of Cortex was better

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You did platinum the game and get 106% right? You aren't an inept shitposter who spends all day on Zig Forums complaining about a kids game he got filtered right by? Right?

Attached: 106%.jpg (843x864, 278.73K)

honestly Crash 4 (or at least 3.5) should have been a remake of Crash Twinsanity

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>even Wrath of Cortex was better
I seriously doubt you've played either game if you're making stupid claims like this.

This image makes no sense.
Sonic Mania, a game that came out 25 years later and was made by passionate fans, laughing at WoC, a game that came out when Crash was only a few years old and just exists to be "another Crash game"

It's like having an image of Crash 4 mocking Sonic 4, it's just not comparable.

>Sonic 4 advertised as the big sequel to the first successful Sonic games
>Episode 1 was a mobile-tier dumpster fire that people only defended back in the day cause "OMG SONIC IS BACK GUYS", and Episode 2, while actually decent, feels massively unfinished and still doesn't hold a candle to the original Genesis titles
Sonybros BTFO, even CD was better

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No. Fuck that game.

*Sonicggers, fucking forgot the shitty filter in place

I love Crash 4. It gets fucking hard sometimes though, sometimes to the point where it's excessive. I'm at a little over 50% completion but these space levels are kicking my ass on the perfectionist runs.

sauce on sales numbers for crash 4?

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Why did you copy my thread from the other day and turn it into some franchise war shit?

Goddamn Crash looks like shit in 4. Even in this art WoC looks much better.

It's a repost from a different thread

Stop samefagging you cock sucking fucktard.

But the game recently passed 3 million copies sold.


Waiting for them black friday sales

Stop lying

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Don't lie on the internet, user.

If it really sold 3 million by now then Activision would be bragging about it having better opening sales than the OT and CTR remakes.

There was no way this game was going to beat the remakes instantly, the situations aren't the same at all

The fact people just don't care about platformers unless it's outdated just proves people need to stop saying platformers should sell more than movie games or Nintendo games. That way devs will make platformers with logical expectations instead of thinking the entire planet revolves around them.

>Game made by different studio, with the only experience related to the IP was a Nintendo Switch port of the original trilogy
>Game made by a bunch of indie developers (most of them already having official enhanced ports of former 2D Sonic games, see Christian Whitehead) which were then hired by Sega as ongoing interns and de-facto inhouse staff
You have to agree that's quite unfair comparison to make right here
haven't played either of the games by the way

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I seems more like Crash 4's presentation came off as unappealing to a lot of fans and casuals.

Casuals? Oldfags I understand but casuals?
You make it seem like this design is worse than the fucking Tribal shit. Japan actively loves this design since they adopted it instead of just using their Jap version of crash from the past.

Is there a (you) version of this instead of OP?

>Is there a (you) version of this instead of OP?

Attached: t4k3HaFKtLvFlJCofsZHA.png (1177x662, 44.34K)


>It's like having an image of Crash 4 mocking Sonic 4, it's just not comparable.
in that case it makes sense becaue sonic 4 suck balls

>We've had something worse, that means more people will except something not as bad.
That's a weak defense, dude. And I said presentation, not just the design of Crash. Many of the other designs and dialogue are look too soft and kiddy to the point of looking weirdly off-brand or bootleg even. This applies to all the levels too where the blandest or already-used aesthetics take up most of the game while newer worlds or ideas that haven't been in Crash before were barely in the game.
People were massively interested in what Crash 4 would be but then lost interest when all signs pointed to it being bland and lacking in variety.

why buy a console trash game?

Kys Snoy