>your party breaks up
>items in your inventory periodically decrease because your party members are consuming items elsewhere
Now that's a good gaming mechanic.
>your party breaks up
>items in your inventory periodically decrease because your party members are consuming items elsewhere
Now that's a good gaming mechanic.
name 10 games that do this
What game does that?
Fake as shit. The dog was trained and commanded to do that
Yeah, that totally isn't staged.
Naive idiots.
easily spotted by the way it looks back after throwing away the garbage, in order to check if it had done its prompts properly
Do americans really install security cameras in their own homes? LMAO
If it was an angloo household the dog would be fucking the wife.
Bait but yes
Do non-Americans not know how to read?
social media was a mistake
>t. 0 followers on Twitter
Chinese hands typed this post.
I don't have twitter you worthless tranny
dumb retard
you mean this poorly placed camera and oddly placed garbage bin in a conveniently spotless room with its global location and the camera manufacturer displayed is really tiny yellow dick propaganda to change the global opinion on these bugmen who torture and eat dogs?
color me suprised, but don't color me yellow because I don't have a tiny dick like the chinks
Savepoints at hotels
Name 100 games.
Chinese LIARS.
10 games
The chinese owner is just filling the dog with extra flavor before he cooks him.
implying they didn't trained the dog for le epik internet likes
Never mind 10 games, I've never played even 1 game that has this mechanic. Which is good, because it sounds like a fucking shit mechanic. OP wouldn't even be able to name 3 games that do this.
>inb4 '3 games', OP. You fucking dingus.
She was checking to make sure she got away with it.
im not sure if this happens in the ant colony / fairy colony mini game in breath of fire
>party members use the rare consumables that can't be bought
sounds like a pile of hot steaming garbage to me, i'm glad not a single game exists with this """mechanic"""
>look how smart our dogs are lol
staged dumb chink propaganda
Yea, they also install AC units.