>"Woo, Zig Forums!"
"Woo, Zig Forums!"
Other urls found in this thread:
>Tfw Steve from Minecraft, a culture of Zig Forums, joins official Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Woo, Zig Forums!
Didn't they remove this ages ago?
wait it still exist?
They definitely removed anything referring to notch himself, not sure about this. P
It was a better time.
Yeah, I'm currently on the latest Java version and just saw this on my title screen.
i don't understand why notch does literally nothing now that he's filthy rich and powerful. he could be the elon musk of the video game industry if he desired
Let me guess, you're the same faggot spamming threads "has money, doesn't save gaming" with Notch as the OP
He's an indie NEET that struck gold, not a successful entrepreneur, man
according to the wiki it still is
no, schizophrenic person, i am not whoever is haunting your mind on an internet board
do you think he still visits Zig Forums?
>remove anything about notch because muh politics
>add black lives matter shit
God swedes are such cucks
Why has Zig Forums contributed nothing to gaming since 2015?
Notch was always an exception in indie game development, 99% of them are libcucks.
he expressed interest in buying Zig Forums if hiroshimoot decides to get rid of it cause it aint profitable.
He should have never sold out
I'm not even sure you can mod these out without fucking up your game the way the .jar file works
yeah I do
I would do exactly the same if I had a pile of money I could sleep on. The world would literally never see my face ever again.
>Zig Forumsirgin neet strikes gold
>doesn't do anything but neet around
sounds based to me fampai
I don't get it. Why is Sweden like this?
thank goodness i play bedrock edition
very likely
>tfw minecraft guy could be reading this post right now
He was stressed, already made infinite money from Minecrap and They have been leftists since forever
Making vidya is a creative endeavor, its pretty possible minecraft was the extent of his. If you mean that he should bankroll games with potential that's not a smart decision in the slightest with money
Notch is mentally ill, my man. He's deep into conspiracy theories and has shut out everyone close to him after he had made his billions.
It's just like Howard Hughes or the main character from There Will Be Blood.
Dudes made their fortune but it only enabled them to fall deeper into their mental illnesses.
I’ve had that splash text appear recently
>Notch is mentally ill, my man. He's deep into conspiracy theories
this statement is really funny to me
there are billionaires being busted having pedophile rape islands with connections to hundreds of other billionaires, declassified CIA programs showing all kinds of unbelievably fucked up shit (including the fact that they coined the term "conspiracy theorist" as a pejorative) and you still consider conspiracy theorism to be evidence of mental illness
where else is there to go?
I think he genuinely spent like a year or two trying to make a new game but then said fuck it.
here's a video about it
yes i know
I love minecraft but I fucking hate mojang