How do we stop them?
Sony's censorship
Stop giving them money. Eventually they get greedy and desperate and aim for the coomer audience. That would require normies to stop buying their shit however.
have sex
We dont. let them rot.
>censoring the navel
Too far.
Nuking america.
America is the problem.
We got a clue that this has to do with them changing exec. But what was their idea behind this? Did they not want to get lawsuits?
We just need to teach them the art of censorship.
buy coomer games on PC. They dont exactly sell a ton so Sony doesn't care.
name 1 sony exclusive that suffers from censorship that is getting released soon
How about reading and researching first before opening your mouth dumbass
Get better taste in games because the only games getting censored are weeb coomer bait
Their HQ is literally in America
>Japanese antagonist
>god rays
gentlemen, we have to kill god
>California is not in America
The censorship only makes it hotter. There's nothing more sexier than a woman in a fucking burka
What are you talking about there are no burqas
just play the eroge and stop playing on sony
Their North American offices, which handle their US localizations is in Commiefornia. Most likely it's because the staff there is made up of SJWs with liberal arts degrees from UC Berkeley and they are censoring it for reasons related to "feminism".
Vote with your wallet
You need to break past this childish idea that companies can only do things for profit.
That just makes my penis even harder.
You can’t unless it’s transgender butt sex
Don't play eroge on consoles retards. Not on playstation, not on switch.
No ero no read
Just say Switch, user.
Don't need to pretend you're egalitarian. As someone on the PC side, I'm not afraid to tell you that consoles should die on a fire.
Tweet at, and send Sony messages showing your support for Trump, because I'm sure those ugly leftists trannies working there loves Trump. I'm gonna rub it in their faces.
pc is boring except for erotic games and crpg games.
>Most likely it's because the staff there is made up of SJWs with liberal arts degrees from UC Berkeley
I've spent time at both and can confirm there is a high crossover. Its like EA redwood shores but with way more gays and punjabs with your stray boomer hippie wandering around.
You can't. Buy your games on actually good platforms.
OP here, I don't own a ps4, I play on pc. I just don't want coomer games to be butchered like this
See? You can be honest instead of being a faggot hypocrite.
>sick of Sony's bullshit so much they actually releasing the game on Xbone of all consoles
Strange decision, considering how unpopular Xbox is in Japan, but a strong one. Hopefully more jap devs jump ship as well.
I want more coomer games or VNs on Gamepass. So I can play them with xCloud and on my phone.