Whatever happened with her game?

Whatever happened with her game?

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>dreamworks face

Presumably still in early development

Attached: potion.png (752x1072, 782.86K)

wtf even is this

western Recettear

Potionomics, was revealed in the virtual PC expo in the summer

Attached: potionseller.jpg (980x842, 204.46K)

still in development

Attached: 1592079752016.webm (852x480, 254.67K)

Carbine did go dead 2 years ago, any chance a few of their dev's ended up on this one?

reminds me of Redmoa animations

Something about the art style and animation feels "off" to me and I can't really describe what it is exactly.

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God I miss cartoony video game girls.

It’s the western Pixar face pasted onto a anime game body.

Attached: 6DBB255A-AA20-4F5D-897C-5FDEF647CAFB.jpg (2477x3500, 712.54K)

That's probably it tb.h

Potion Seller. I'm going into battle. And I need only your strongest potions

and that's why its shit

Attached: EabIAl4UMAATA-v.jpg (1999x1325, 226.08K)

How many more times is Zig Forums going to be fooled by this type?

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ah yes the SFM porn face


This game looks like a less cute and less funny version of Recettear.

Attached: Recettear-Steam.png (822x441, 658.86K)

Yeah the animation is redmoa-tier (which isnt a good thing), it's not very fluid and is just barely a step about still poses

heckin' cute and valid

what did she mean by this?

Attached: vidya.png (980x842, 1.13M)

I want to fuck her armpit pussy.

Post the chibis

Let me guess -- all the work went into the UI and characters but not a single thing was scripted outside animations.

>We are a boutique development team currently working on the Potion shop/NPC simulator, Potionomics.

We've crafted AAA video games for the latest consoles. Helped bring
a piece of gaming history back as a darling indie hit. Written
narrative-driven games for use in schools to revitalize the joy of
reading for kids. Animated programming for young viewers. Modeled and sculpted for games, toys, and the healthcare industry.

Now we’re bringing all of that to our first PC title, Potionomics.

Pretentious way of saying they're a small dev company.

They're hipsters

I just want another good fucking merchant game since literally no other company knows how to make one.