You're playing GUILTY GEAR XX ACCENT CORE PLUS R right Zig Forums?

you're playing GUILTY GEAR XX ACCENT CORE PLUS R right Zig Forums?

you've managed to win at least one ranked match by now, right?

ggxxac+r thread

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Are grabs still one frame and invincible in Strive or are them exactly like Street Fighter?

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2f now with a whiff animation, tied to 4/6+D

No, no, and yes.

>you've managed to win at least one ranked match by now, right?
I'm 1/45
the guy I beat was 0/7
should I play Millia or Faust? They're both fun

you know what, I kind of like this. whiffing a grab shouldn't cause you to 'misinput' a 6H

I don't have friends that play

I haven't played Ranked at all and I have no intention of ever doing so.
Player Matches are where it's at.

You can OS that by inputting another button alongside H (EG: 6H+S will give you c.S if your grab didn't come out).

>whiffing a grab shouldn't cause you to 'misinput' a 6H
user.....I really hope you aren't using 6H to throw

You can option select the throw. For example you could press 6HK, in which case K should come out if the throw whiffs, and throw if it connects. Optimal buttons depend on who you play.

Play whichever one you think is more fun. Keep in mind every character is viable

If he's a new player, of course he would be. That's the "correct" input. You wouldn't know to OS it unless you spent a long time experimenting on your own or had it told to you.

so the beta stops configs that set resolution over 1080p again, is there a workaround?

3 man lobby
up for like 30 minutes

You don't understand, for what he's talking about that makes it -worse-. In Street Fighter accidentally doing a rando standing HP is still a terrible thing most of the time so complaining it's an OS is dumb, but in GG you can legitimately make throw attempts really low risk.

I still prefer 1f throws, especially because of how fucking important defensive throws are in GG historically, but this is the kind of compromise I can live with compared to Jive now being at the point where throws are outright slower than jabs.

for those who can't figure out sol's frc timing, his right hand is super clean, his hair does the s shape, his mouth is open, there's a small spurt of gunflame coming out, along with the handle vibrating for the first time, the blue flash in training mode is actually kind of fake, so keep that in mind

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fuck millias loops man she always fucks me up

Why would I pay 20 bucks for a dead game that's filled with those who never left and will die when Strive comes out?

Why -would- you pay $20?

>He didn't buy it when it was 3 dollars
That's a (you) problem buddy

>Playing a 480p game at higher resolutions

>He hasn't been playing it for 20 years already

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dumb monitorlet

Robo and Faust main here, recommend me a 3rd character to learn to compliment them.

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I don't like Guilty Gear as much as I should, given my enjoyment of anime. Sorry pal, I'm just not cut out for losing 500 games before getting a morsel of enjoyment. At least I got wins in 100 games in battle for the grid.

It was $3 recently. That's what I paid for it.

lmao strive is gonna bomb hard

I'm literally 0/104

So, how many more matches do I need? Do I seriously need to play this for 300 hours before winning even once?

Enough to start critically analyzing what's going on and working on what's actually screwing you over.

I got a key from an user for free by answering his riddle lmao. I might support ArcSys anyway by buying Overture though.

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You just need some bit of common sense to cap a shitter.

i've never played a fighting game before. i'm just bad at them.

I already know a few things I'm fucking up but I realistically cannot catch up to people who have been playing FGs for years without some serious time commitment

I like Millia as a character more than Faust, but she's so much harder to play so idk
god I wish I was good enough to be looping people

>tfw 0/200+
I lost count already. I haven't been having fun the last few matches.

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is the lobby fucking up or are people just joining and leaving?

Join the club. There are a lot of us who are just abysmal in this genre. The cursed ones are the ones who love it, but are absolutely shit at it. Ed Woods of fighting games.

>0 exp Civilian but don't even lose enough matches without a win to brag about it like these dudes
Can't even suck properly

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find other shitters, there's no way around it, it's a 1v1 game, in a genre where skill, knowledge, practice, creativity is mostly the winning factor

Is it free? If not, I'm not playing it. Being a poorfag is suffering.