364 GB of space

>364 GB of space
>three hundred and sixty four gigabytes of space
>on a digital-only console

Attached: Xbox-Series-S-1_large.jpg (1200x800, 55.95K)

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Useless trash. Microsoft shouldve just stuck with Sony's approach, 1 with disc drive and another without but same performance.

>Install CoD
>Only have space for one more game

Well now that you know this information you don't have to buy it.

It's a FIFA machine but it'll probably sell fuck all as that demographic are hardcore sony fans

Only poorfags will buy one.

That's fine, plenty of space for every game it has.

Attached: 1408791525226.png (213x214, 30.81K)

Don't forget the worst offender, performance
>900p 60 fps on cross gen title (Yakuza)
>1080p 30 fps on current gen title (PUBG)

p 30 fps on current gen title (PUBG)
Lol no fucking way is that true.
Even the fucking XboneX can pull off 1080p50-60 FPS in PUBG.

This seems to be a pattern. Consoles that tout digital are always paired with too little storage space. The low price is BS. You have to factor in buying additional storage.

>900p 60 fps on cross gen title (Yakuza)
>Source(s): Some dude on Twitter
>1080p 30 fps on current gen title (PUBG)
>Runs the Xbone S version, pending patch for next gen

>720p in a last gen first party title

Attached: 1080p.png (2560x1440, 1.37M)

Found the Xbox marketer

I assume the 720p is for split-screen

not true, some of us prefer to spend our money on whores and strippers.

That's the thing, Series S is weaker than One X.
It's basically a console for poorfags and third worlders, it will make bank for this exact reason too.
Series S will run vidya at 900p 30fps during mid life cycle of this generation, I'm telling you now, either accept this fact or keep rejecting reality.
Thanks, I was looking for this exact image too but when I tried to search for "Gears of War 5 Series S performance" all I got was articles from a month ago saying it will run it at 120 fps.
Guess this little detail was less desirable to make news headlines.

it's been out on ps4 since a year

they are talking about the new gen version dumbass

What the fuck were they thinking? Honest question.

Games will be about half the file size. You'll get as many games on SeS as you will on PS5 or SeX.


Which will be the same as the PS4 one since it's a Japanese game and Japs couldn't give less fucks.

So goys can buy the storage extension of course!

>It's basically a console for poorfags
no, it's a scam that just pretends to be the poorfag option by being the cheapest, but it has horrible price/value ratios when compared to either the ps5 that costs only $100 more, or even the sx that costs $200 more

>it-its a scam!

SeS is a bargain schizo. £249 and £8 for gamepass.

Bargain. You simply cannot build a PC as powerful as SeS for £249.

I am considering. Why would I need more space?I have ~30 titles on my xbox one x and I don't play 70%. Ah, 99% of those games comes from game pass.

Attached: 1604437791329.png (1470x1456, 2.04M)

Complain all you want, but it's still better than Switch users who are stuck with only 32GB.

Just add a 1TB SSD and you have the perfect low cost machine.

you cannot build a PC that is as powerful as ANY new console and costs just as much you manipulative shill, the ss isn't any special in this, in fact and the ss has much worse price/value ratios when compard to the ps5 or sx

with a 25% price difference you can get a console that is over twice as powerful and has twice bigger SSD storage.
if you are such a sucker for subscriptions then the sx is still a better option for your money than this shit.

Except Switch games are stored on cards and you only need to download updates. I have 15 games and several demos installed and 17 GB of free space.

>just pay ~$250 extra with your $300 console (aka ~$550), just to have a similar amount of space you would have if you just paid less (500) to get a console that is ALSO 3 times more powerful
>perfect low cost machine
I'm seirously not sure if this is baiting, shilling or some people are just this fucking retarded

Wait till you see it's actual performance.