You're now an American citizen in MGS

Writing in Fatman so that he'll hopefully launch the entire nuclear arsenal 5 minutes after being sworn in.

George was actually President so...

George Sears by a landslide.

No they aren't. Armstrong is closer to Big Boss than Solidus. Desparado only took Solidus' superficial traits like the child soldier stuff, Solidus was more than that. Solidus' motivation was actually correct and he cared about the individual while Armstrong is making a world where he will flourish while he oppresses "weaker" individuals(sounds like Patriot talk)

Obviously Solidus is the incumbent running for re-election with Armstrong running the opposition party.

Solidus because he was right

Before I used to think Armstrong was just hastily written but now I think I might truly understand what he was going for, now that I've seen this wretched, anti-democratic system for what it is.

I will never by any means accept the idea that someone is right to lead just because they have the power to do so, but the power of people unifying, whether it's by democracy or by force as a militia, to stand up against an unjust leader is one that shouldn't be ignored. Our system genuinely needs to be torn the fuck down and rebuilt, piece by piece, by the people who built this country, and not the people who stood on top of our backbreaking labor with whips and whistles, dangling carrots on sticks in the form of paychecks in front of our face. I don't know or care what that future looks like, because anything is better than what we have now, so long as it's run by the people. We have to reset. Armstrong definitely wanted to control shit, and is just like every single other politician - Trump included - in that his promises are really just him trying to weaponize the general complaints of the population into something to get him into power.

So, with that all said, I'm thinking Solidus. The people are controlled by their systems and their government, where ironically it was supposed to be the inverse since its inception. Armstrong is basically the bad praxis of Solidus' ideas personified and is also a good commentary how Solidus could just as easily turn out as evil as Armstrong if given power. No one will ever say "give me the reigns so that I can give them to everyone at once." The reigns must be seized forcibly.

No gods, no masters. Only man.

Think I'd vote for whichever candidate would give us a game worth playing.

It goes back to the old tree of liberty refreshed with blood of patriots and tyrants quote. It's an old idea that people are too afraid to try but we really need that tree cut down soon. Too bad we will be forced to give up our guns to save the "children" soon

>Armstrong is closer to Big Boss than Solidus
No-one is closer to Big Boss than Solidus, user.