

Attached: vulpera.png (750x900, 591.15K)

she looks like to fuck human men

I recently used some gold to resub and check out the new leveling experience. It was going good, until I saw one of these little fucks and closed the game in disgust.
I had formed a protective mental block about all things vulpera, diaper gnome, or BfA in general. The sight of one of these little shits brought it all back.
Needless to say, I will be going back to Classic.

Just kill yourself.

All fantasy became unreversable shit after around 10s. Just let it go and embrace enjoying fanfic tier writing ironically and learn to deal with fetish shit.
In lower scope stories in wow are fine btw.

Or, y'know, write your own shit.

>bought the pig
>bought the wings
>pre-ordered shadowlands
>rolling a vulpera death knight
>going to join the kyrians so I can support trans rights
yeah, I'm thinking i'm based

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el autismo

yeah, that's the best option, I just don't believe user has it in him and will probably succumb to coom fiction in a week anyway

Can you remove the wings? Them and helmet are the worst parts absolutely ruin it, every other piece is alright, and has nice color scheme overall

you can probably find someone with this sentiment yet unironic pretty easily

>implying that's ironic
4channel is a liberal website.

that tail looks too big

I rolled vulperan female just to piss off people. Probs gonna drop the expansion one, two month in like every expansion since wrath.

>I rolled vulperan female

why do people hate vulperas?

Insecure of wanting to breed their women

God think of all the porn I can't wait to coom a lot.


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Imagine the sex

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nnn is turning me into a fag


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They may look stupid but you can at least make plausible explanations for death knights of each race existing. Either as wanderers or travelers who ran afoul of the Scourge or people willingly becoming undead under Bolvar to fight larger threats. Theres worse race/class combos out there.

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Does saying this make furries go ballistic?
Like "made for BBC" for /poltards?


imagine playing WoW post WotLK

At this point blizzard should just make all classes available to every race.

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>game completely turns into Blood Elves vs Void Elves
Fuck off

Yes. One of the funnier examples is someone drawing a comic of Sally Acorn getting fucked and impregnated by an user and some sperg with a sparkledog avatar wrote a long rant on a forum along with furries.

I wish I could read that

>Worgen are fine but can't have vulperas in my game!11

based. DOn't listen to retail retards, they lost their souls long ago.

>werewolves vs. fox midgets

Yeah, play Classic and pay for production of retail lmao.

ever since the model update worgen have not been fine. They have not been fine at all!


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You act like Worgen were fine before the update

looks like she fucks dragon men

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no don't play world of warcraft at all you dumb cunt.
play warcraft 2

Anyone would fuck a dragon (male)

I wish i understood none of that, but unfortunately I did

>no 3d ass
>body got fatter
>no eyelashes
rip worgenos