Why is this game rated so highly by journos when it's a boring piece of shit with no content at all...

Why is this game rated so highly by journos when it's a boring piece of shit with no content at all? Being better than run of the mill sony garbage doesn't warrant praise

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Still seething

Because its the most fun i've had with a video game in years.

Want a honest answer? Game reviewers never played it past the great plateau.

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It's actually rated highly by legit everyone, for a very good reason. It's a true GOAT masterpiece.
Being a contrarian hipster does not win you any e-credit or virtue points.

>No dungeons
>No story
>No side content
>No enemy variety
>No boss variety
>No soundtrack
>No progression
>No difficulty
>Empty overworld

It's a solid 6/10.

Because it says Zelda on the box. Skyward Sword got a 9/10 average too.

The reception to it will get worse and worse over time, especially if BotW2 is a straight upgrade (which by all rights it should be unless Nintendo majorly fucks up).