Why is this game rated so highly by journos when it's a boring piece of shit with no content at all? Being better than run of the mill sony garbage doesn't warrant praise
Why is this game rated so highly by journos when it's a boring piece of shit with no content at all...
Still seething
Because its the most fun i've had with a video game in years.
Want a honest answer? Game reviewers never played it past the great plateau.
It's actually rated highly by legit everyone, for a very good reason. It's a true GOAT masterpiece.
Being a contrarian hipster does not win you any e-credit or virtue points.
>No dungeons
>No story
>No side content
>No enemy variety
>No boss variety
>No soundtrack
>No progression
>No difficulty
>Empty overworld
It's a solid 6/10.
Because it says Zelda on the box. Skyward Sword got a 9/10 average too.
The reception to it will get worse and worse over time, especially if BotW2 is a straight upgrade (which by all rights it should be unless Nintendo majorly fucks up).