Why is this game rated so highly by journos when it's a boring piece of shit with no content at all...

Why is this game rated so highly by journos when it's a boring piece of shit with no content at all? Being better than run of the mill sony garbage doesn't warrant praise

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Still seething

Because its the most fun i've had with a video game in years.

Want a honest answer? Game reviewers never played it past the great plateau.

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It's actually rated highly by legit everyone, for a very good reason. It's a true GOAT masterpiece.
Being a contrarian hipster does not win you any e-credit or virtue points.

>No dungeons
>No story
>No side content
>No enemy variety
>No boss variety
>No soundtrack
>No progression
>No difficulty
>Empty overworld

It's a solid 6/10.

Because it says Zelda on the box. Skyward Sword got a 9/10 average too.

The reception to it will get worse and worse over time, especially if BotW2 is a straight upgrade (which by all rights it should be unless Nintendo majorly fucks up).

I used to be a botw fanboy back when it first lauched but now I can firmly say it's a 7/10

>Empty World
>No dungeons
>Disposable weapons
>No enemy variety
>No meaningful rewards for exploration
>Same fucking story, again
>No character customization
>No builds
>Lack of good progression systems
>Bland/nonexisting OST

It was Zelda's "me too!" take on open world design. That is the ONLY reason it's rated so highly. Remove "Zelda" from the title an one can't argue it's anything above a 5/10 game.
The fucking shills for this garbage are even worse than snoys

It's literally already becoming the new Skyrim, cope harder

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>recently playing for the first time
>asscreed-tier exploration to unlock maps and find collectables (it's good that nothing gets marked for you on the map at least)
>"treasure" chests up the wazoo filled with gems and rupees ie just junk you can get more easily otherwise, no excitement for what you're gonna find
>damage sponge enemies whom the only way to kill faster is to use strength elixirs/foods and find stronger (breakable) weapons
>Zelda's voice acting is so bad it's more grating than Navi's HEY LISTEN
>seriously she sounds like me when I'm failing to impersonate a woman
>boring bosses, few individual copy-pasted minibosses
>fairy queen acts erotic but looks like a drag queen
>shit inventory interface, should have filled pages scroll vertically instead of horizontally so it doesn't interfere with changing sections
>slow-ass picking up/receiving items from chests, koroks, and shrines
>yes I know I just received korok seed #222 and shrine orb #44 can we move on please
>gimmicks that are useless and never used like shield surfing or shield parry.
>can't parry with weapon for some reason
>magnesis also arguably useless in later combat (see damage sponges above)
correct me if I'm wrong (I'm not)
and no I'm not a genshinfag

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Did it really take you that long to be able to play it? Cemu could play it at better than console settings several years ago already on a toaster.

>Remove "Zelda" from the title an one can't argue it's anything above a 5/10 game.
We have the fucking chink clone of this game that's considered a 10/10 masterpiece too, without any Zelda in it.

oh yeah forgot
>few individual copy-pasted enemies

what are those multipliers

Amount of times journos have included it on their list

>he doesn't deflect guardian lasers

From a game design perspective, please explain how is BotW worthy of the GOAT title. How does it move the industry forward? What does it innovate?

Zig Forums doesn't play games, it only shits on them
hope you're just new and not delusional

OP is confused, overrated doesn't mean it's bad nor that it's supposed to be bad / good
People who fall for games journalism or ratings are retarded in the first place and should not have valid opinions, just like said journos

>chink gacha impact
People who says this garbage is a 10/10 are tasteless addicted virgin zoomer who easily fall for coomerbait. In the grand scheme of things, Genshin impact is irrelevent and will be forgotten soon. Just like BotW.

oh thanks for letting me know, but that doesn't make it less useless for anything aside from that gimmick.

yea agreed i liked running around and discovering different shit but there wasn't really anything else to do.

OP i think what's happening is that you and i are getting older and we have way higher standards. the only people left are those younger than us, or those who are technically the same age but have yet to mature mentally.

at this point the only games i can even enjoy are grand strategies.

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How to immediately discard a post


It doesn't really matter. Everybody sentient already knows that the only good video game ever made is Halo 2.

>buttons do multiple things that can and will interfere with each other, not to mention retarded layout

>rune powers that need to be used in the heat of battle are aimed with the Rstick and fired with a face button
so you either have to switch to claw grip or stop aiming before you can fire

> with no content at all
>there wasn't really anything else to do.
there are a lot of things to do.. too bad you are too """smart"""to find them without points on the minimap.

>filtered by gyro
Many such cases

can you give one example of something to do. because chances are i did it and i considered it really boring or i didn't do it but knew about it and chose not to do it because it seemed really boring.