When was the last time you've got immensely disappointed by a video game after having stupidly high expectations?
When was the last time you've got immensely disappointed by a video game after having stupidly high expectations?
John Young
Hudson Mitchell
Carson White
feminine benis
Wyatt Price
dumb frogposter you can't even see his feet in that image.
Dominic Foster
Skyward Sword
After that I never got excited for games again, I was just pleasantly surprised by stuff.
Carter Rodriguez
vampire the masquerade bloodlines
the game is just combat and its shitty rpg combat
Isaiah Torres
About 15 months ago.
Adam Robinson
Probably DA2, i thought it was Zig Forums being Zig Forums but no it really was that bad.
Luis Campbell
For me it was BOTW.
People couldn't stop praising it for YEARS.
First few hours gave me Ico feels, it was very Ueda like, then it all went to generic shit...
Bentley Jackson
He draws cocks so damn good.