When was the last time you've got immensely disappointed by a video game after having stupidly high expectations?

When was the last time you've got immensely disappointed by a video game after having stupidly high expectations?

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feminine benis

dumb frogposter you can't even see his feet in that image.

Skyward Sword
After that I never got excited for games again, I was just pleasantly surprised by stuff.

vampire the masquerade bloodlines
the game is just combat and its shitty rpg combat

About 15 months ago.

Probably DA2, i thought it was Zig Forums being Zig Forums but no it really was that bad.

For me it was BOTW.
People couldn't stop praising it for YEARS.
First few hours gave me Ico feels, it was very Ueda like, then it all went to generic shit...

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He draws cocks so damn good.

Ever since Bioshock Infinite, I've made sure not to build up my expectations too high.

Why do westerners love futa and she males so much? When Asians takes over we will have to cull you nut jobs and seed your women

He meant futa moran.

Fallout 4.

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It's been a while but after pic related I no longer hyped up games that weren't released yet

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I want to marry her penis

Just cause 4
It's really not difficult to improve upon a just cause game but somehow they managed to make it worse than 3

I honestly can't remember the last time I had "stupidly high expectations." I make it a point not to expect every game I'm interested in to be perfect.


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>haha grill with benis xDdd
>ids not le gay x333

Why is the head so small? Why are the fingers so short and stubby? Who drew this thing?

MGSV I guess

Fable and Black and white
I learned young to never follow the hype

It is very gay but that would not stop me from giving her a nursing blowjob to her morning wood at the crack of dawn.


Sucking on a WOMAN'S penis is gay? If you're a woman sure, otherwise no- men having sex with women is the straightest thing ever my dude

This isn't a futa by the way. This character is a genuine male drawn and presented as such by the artisti.

T. futafag in the know

Halo MCC on PC.
They're functional ports, and having halo back on PC after all these years is something that cannot be understated, but "functional" is all they are, where's the server browser? You mean to tell me I need to use a fucking third party website just to get custom games going? No wonder the playercount dropped fast.


MGQ. I don't know why it's put on a high pedestal for what is essentially a visual novel with puzzle elements. Paradox was fun though.

I really wanted Ace Combat 7 to be the worthy successor to the PS2 trinity which I guess it was in the end but it was more like an okay AC04 sequel

I think it's because of the very large variety of fetishes it includes but yeah it's really not a great game.

This is strangely hot

was more frustrating than fun.

probably mass effect 3. I loved the second one at the time and i couldnt wait for 3 to resolve all of the story arcs except it didnt. when i went back to play 1 and 2 again i realised the games were never really that good to begin with
fuck bioware