Why do Xbox controllers still use these things?

Why do Xbox controllers still use these things?

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this and not having gyro are the only reasons I didn't get a based sexbox pad as my new controller

AA batteries are a tested, proven standard
they last long, are easily replaced, and come in rechargeable and single use varieties depending on you use case

Microsoft knows their audience

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dont know but i'm laughing in eneloops

>40 hours
>lasts eternally

>2 hours
>have to be recharged every 5 months if you dont use it or it dies forever

You mean these things that cost me like $30 5yrs ago and are still going strong?

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pretty much everything comes with it's own battery these days. it's just cheaper and more convenient when you can charge your flashlight with usb rather than find batteries

zoom zoom
Many gaming hardware of old only still work because they used replaceable batteries.

>Can use rechargeable AAs and swap them out quickly if they go flat
>Can also use a proprietary rechargeable battery that can be replaced if it goes to shit, or at least be reused if the controller is busted

Granted there is an upfront cost for both of these, but it's a reliable solution provided the controller can also last a while.