Why do Xbox controllers still use these things?
Why do Xbox controllers still use these things?
this and not having gyro are the only reasons I didn't get a based sexbox pad as my new controller
AA batteries are a tested, proven standard
they last long, are easily replaced, and come in rechargeable and single use varieties depending on you use case
Microsoft knows their audience
dont know but i'm laughing in eneloops
>40 hours
>lasts eternally
>2 hours
>have to be recharged every 5 months if you dont use it or it dies forever
You mean these things that cost me like $30 5yrs ago and are still going strong?
pretty much everything comes with it's own battery these days. it's just cheaper and more convenient when you can charge your flashlight with usb rather than find batteries
zoom zoom
Many gaming hardware of old only still work because they used replaceable batteries.
>Can use rechargeable AAs and swap them out quickly if they go flat
>Can also use a proprietary rechargeable battery that can be replaced if it goes to shit, or at least be reused if the controller is busted
Granted there is an upfront cost for both of these, but it's a reliable solution provided the controller can also last a while.
Because they are superior to built in rechargeable batteries. Much easier to find, no screwdriver needed to replace, no need to be tethered to the console to recharge.
>product costs more because it has an internal battery
>product lifetime is shorter because of added complexity
>product use time is shorter because of the internal battery which is much smaller in capacity
>use convenience is lessened as you need to charge the device with a wire and an outlet, rather than just taking ten seconds to replace its rechargeable battery
not only that, it's a hell of a lot less environmentally friendly when every single device uses its own proprietary battery that just goes to waste when you stop using the product
yeah look at those lucious lips, god damn so fascinating
>batteries are about to go dead
>have to stand up
>walk all the way to wherever you keep your spare batteries
>change batteries
>go back to your xbox
>flow and immersion completely ruined
>just plug in your phone charger
Why would you possibly defend an Xbox controller?
܂Nigger are you seriously relying the location of one's spare power source not being nearby as the basis of your argument? You can just as easily have spare AAs nearby as you can have an external power bank. It is slower to replace AAs yes, but it's not like you need to have the patience of a saint to do so.
Not to mention that you can still take the same Li-ion option, and having more options is never bad.
>being an obese american
Also you also have to stand up to get to your usb cable, fatso.
Fuck you're absolutely right. I have to reach half an arms length to grab new batteries.
i keep my spare batteries on the same desk where my Xbox is. and the console gives you a warning when they're about to go dead, after that you have about an hour of use left in them, so you can just wait until you're not doing anything in the game.
You can buy a rechargeable battery for xbox controllers, you nitwits
Use Mitsubishi batteries, my Quest 2 has them and they're still at 100% after weeks off use
>put in spare batteries that are full from charging
>stay wireless
>plug in phone charger
>have to be wired until it charges
gee retard i wonder why
i bet you defend sealed phones too
Because they're easy to replace, unlike internal batteries which die out early because Sony are niggers who can't figure out battery life.
Based /sp/artan
Because they can sell you more extras if they don't include a rechargeable battery.
>batteries are about to go empty
>have to stand up
>walk all the way to wherever you keep your controller cable
>plug cable
>go back to your PS
>sit uncomfortably close to tv and cable is on your way
>flow and immersion completely ruined
inb4 the disingenuous assumption that batteries can't be included, modular, and rechargeable at the same time
My launch day DS4 lasted 6 years before it would only hold about 2 hours of charge.
Thats like $200 worth of AA batteries I didn't have to buy.
>buy a 10ft usb cable for $3
So long do they last?
I used a wireless mouse for ages and that thing held for months just off a single AAA. I assume it's nowhere near as efficient for a controller because of rumble.