Post your FF14 jobs

>Warrior, White Mage, Samurai
>I just started Stormblood

Attached: 433e92dc154bfc303d805338bd894025eb784794.jpg (799x529, 375.03K)

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>implying I play that dogshit

Healers primarily. Blue Mage right now.

Attached: FFXIV_Blue_Mage_01.png (360x450, 231.81K)

Finished lvling healers and 50% of tanks, currently working on GNB

>dragoon lvl70
fun but way to many abilities for my busted brain and I'm about to get more
>white mage lvl64
easy so far but male armor looks like ass


Its fun

Attached: 1598451757380.webm (1222x1040, 1.54M)

I started as WAR then tried out GNB. I'm now Level 78 and just about to finish Shadowbringers, and it's fucking excellent. Shits all over Stormblood. To OP, Stormblood isn't that bad, it just has bad pacing and focuses too much on a certain character who doesn't deserve all the attention.

Attached: yoshidank.png (1600x900, 1.1M)


Wasted a Week trying to get boots and gloves for whm to drop.

seething wowfugee

Attached: 1604146140064.png (744x1037, 1.52M)

Paladin, White Mage, Bard, Scholar/Summoner at max level.
Currently leveling Dark Knight, after that Astrologian, after that Warrior and Gunbreaker so I can free up inventory space by deleting tank/healer poetics gear. My biggest gripe with this game is how limited inventory space is.