Post your FF14 jobs

>Warrior, White Mage, Samurai
>I just started Stormblood

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>implying I play that dogshit

Healers primarily. Blue Mage right now.

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Finished lvling healers and 50% of tanks, currently working on GNB

>dragoon lvl70
fun but way to many abilities for my busted brain and I'm about to get more
>white mage lvl64
easy so far but male armor looks like ass


Its fun

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I started as WAR then tried out GNB. I'm now Level 78 and just about to finish Shadowbringers, and it's fucking excellent. Shits all over Stormblood. To OP, Stormblood isn't that bad, it just has bad pacing and focuses too much on a certain character who doesn't deserve all the attention.

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Wasted a Week trying to get boots and gloves for whm to drop.

seething wowfugee

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Paladin, White Mage, Bard, Scholar/Summoner at max level.
Currently leveling Dark Knight, after that Astrologian, after that Warrior and Gunbreaker so I can free up inventory space by deleting tank/healer poetics gear. My biggest gripe with this game is how limited inventory space is.

Agreed fuck alisaie,zenos,yotsuyu, and asahi.

White mage desu, but also leveling up my DoH/Ls. Maybe the next healer will be more interesting.

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>fun but way to many abilities for my busted brain and I'm about to get more

I'm managed on controller.
Just watch this and have your opener on display so you can memorize it.


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I've mostly picked up BLM because SCH's design direction depresses me too much to play it exclusively anymore

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FFXI is where it’s at. Currently playing on Nasomi.
Main: Warrior, Beastmaster, Corsair, Dark Knight, Samurai
Alt: White Mage, Summoner, Bard, Red Mage, Beastmaster

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MCH for things like Jeureka and Bozja.

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here's my DRG controller setup with the rotation displayed

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oww my brain

it's all muscle memory honestly
controller is great for this game

SCH main, PLD and MNK are my other two jobs that I give a shit about. SCH sucks right now, and MNK will always suck.

Meanwhile, I feel like BLM is a relatively safe pick. Its core ideas have mostly remained the same since Heavensward and in some ways it actively fights against the homogenization that's happening with other jobs. Fire 4 still has a longer-than-standard-GCD cast time, Ley Lines still make you want to turret in place, there's still a bit of nuance to getting the most out of your DoT's damage. It's mostly been getting a few get out of jail free cards for when it needs to move, like Xenoglossy. Being the devs' pet job means this stuff isn't as likely to be on the chopping block in the future. Watching big numbers pop up as explosions go off has its charm even though I was initially most interested in SCH as a DoT mage job that works double time as a healer too.

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>the absolute state of trannies

do you have any scholar glams? i need inspiration

This may help.

Yes but I am not opening myself up for ridicule by anonymous users on 4channel

Obviously Dragoon. I love spears as a weapon.

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yea i'm a fucking faggot

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tfw no Freya glam options

feels bad, bro. i like the general Dragoon aesthetics in the game but i really wish you could style yourself out like her a bit

Tank life. My only regret is playing through Shadowbringers as Dark Knight instead of sticking with Paladin.

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Paladin, White Mage, Red Mage, Dancer, Samurai

I switched off Monk and Summoner because I realized it was fucking stupid ruining my hands, fingers and wrists every single dungeon and encounter just so I could do comparable damage to classes that only need to press 1-2-3 on repeat. Fuck Monk particularly.

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Fuck off to /vg/

How come you regret it? I'm planning on doing a PLD fall from grace narrative and switching to DRK when I start ShB

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