Game gets patched until it loses its identity

>Game gets patched until it loses its identity.

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I remember /z/ and the bee cock, am I Le Oldfag yet

>when mods killed off baka desu senpai in 2015 killing it immediately
baka desu senpai

wtf i thought they changed it back.
cringe mods

Yeah but every other post was baka desu senpai before they put the filter in.


you fucking peanut butter stop lying

Attached: bobobo.png (335x279, 9.32K)

Check this over 9000

Dumb frog.

while y'all are mad about games and toys, Trump's literally running a coup to not leave office. He already said he won't leave, and they're beginning to count thousands of ballots they left out on purpose. Pompeo just told reporters that it will be "an easy transition" for a "2nd trump administration". They're not even trying to hide the fact that they're forming a dictatorship under our eyes.