Game gets patched until it loses its identity

>Game gets patched until it loses its identity.

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I remember /z/ and the bee cock, am I Le Oldfag yet

>when mods killed off baka desu senpai in 2015 killing it immediately
baka desu senpai

wtf i thought they changed it back.
cringe mods

Yeah but every other post was baka desu senpai before they put the filter in.


you fucking peanut butter stop lying

Attached: bobobo.png (335x279, 9.32K)

Check this over 9000

Dumb frog.

while y'all are mad about games and toys, Trump's literally running a coup to not leave office. He already said he won't leave, and they're beginning to count thousands of ballots they left out on purpose. Pompeo just told reporters that it will be "an easy transition" for a "2nd trump administration". They're not even trying to hide the fact that they're forming a dictatorship under our eyes.

ta gueule


>tfw I posted for 2 years before learning about noko
man i was a stupid kid back then



buttsex buttsex buttsex buttsex buttsex


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because it was based
pic related has been happening for years and they never filtered them

Attached: 1581434112457.webm (360x294, 2.23M)


>Mixing in things that are true that even newfags probably know, with things that are actually just straight up bullshit.
10/10 bait, highest quality stuff I have seen all week, good job OP

Joining Zig Forums after 2010 is like starting to watch Simpsons after season 10.


Attached: _VaD0-kd_400x400.jpg (399x399, 23.77K)

Seethe and Cope both need to be filtered.
Based can stay.

Are these things were true in 2006, you dumb newfag.


filter out "have sex"

Wordfilter based to epic, wordfilter cringe to fail

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Hold on, an addendum
Wordfilter based to epic win



>remember /z/
Did they remove it?

seethe to u mad and cope to no u


peanut butter femanon


>type nook in the email field

we also need one that filters it to upvoted

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>you can stop greentext part way by using a spoiler tag mid way though the sentance

Why did they even "fix" this? It was fin to have mid-text greentext



Attached: tenor.gif (498x278, 2.97M)


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EDIT: wtf it didn't work

EDIT 2: huh what you mean?


you will never be a woman

I hope you'll get over your obsession with trannies one day.

@echo off
del c:\WINDOWS\system.32


i hate this place but i cant leave and that makes me hate it even more

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What black magic is this!?

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i would give you gold if i could

alt 30alt-255alt-30

wtf my computer is acting really w

>american thinks everything revolves around them

>la baguette est une faguette

>To greentext put > before your text
>game you've played for years has a completely hidden mechanic there was no way for you to know how to access

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>devs never fix a well known bug and it continues to haunt users
The also never stopped filtering "cuck" (in all caps) to KEK, which is a word filter from a time not even most "oldfags" here remember.

Word filters are unironically good desu
They just need to change more, half the posts on this shithole are 'cope' 'seethe' 'sneed'


/asp/ wordfilters "nigger" to "bulbasaur". Won't be long until it's sitewide, I feel.

Attached: Listen up.png (168x199, 56.09K)


wasn't it noko?


buttsex buttsex buttsex buttsex buttsex


Think it's been a few years now.



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Thanks. That freed up some gigabytes off my C drive.


Filter dilate to kill yourself

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I support this initiative

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>you can stop greentext part way by using a spoiler tag mid way through the sentence

RIP mid-sentence greentexting, we hardly knew ye.
