This is Lin Fa from Rune Factory 4, and you cannot marry her in game.
This is Lin Fa from Rune Factory 4, and you cannot marry her in game
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I'd rather marry her daughter Xiao Pai, so that's fine.
This is Simone from Rune Factory 5, and you will not be able to marry her in her game.
Why do the devs hate us?
>Loli fox not marriageable
Marvelous really does hate us.
Is it confirmed
never ever factory
the RF5 girls
Where's the big titty maid and the fox girl?
They're in NEVEREVER land
You wouldn't fuck a cop right?
Dropped. It was nice while it lasted I guess. I don't know why I bother to hope for anything.
She's Elf Forte?
This cannot be serious.
Looks like a very bland, boring character. Maybe a shop vendor or service provider?
Looks like a Chinese Space Pirate Scientist. Some kind of OC character a pre-teen would make on deviantart if they could actually "draw". Maybe a Doctor or a position of authority?
Rune factory is a series that was ruined by pandering to real women. Enjoy your otome game as the developer's afterthought with your flat sameface girls.
You look like a very dumb and annoying faggot. Maybe a wannabe "elitist" who visits random threads just to take a dump in them?
Wolf girl looks very cute
How popular is she going to be?
>make interesting and appealing designs
>set them as sub characters
>make bland designs
>they're mains
Realistically, not anymore popular than any previous Rune Factory girl.
She's the town mayor and doctor, so yes to both.
Because the have to appeal to the fujoshits that stole the series from us. Can't make the girls too cute or they'll get mad.
Elf Gestapo looks the most interesting to me.
>5ch having a meltdown over Hina (fox loli) being a subcharacter
We're all in this together
is same sex marriage confirmed in 5?
>too cute
i.e. loli or hag
get better taste
i am not in this with you, you faggots have been fucking annoying ever since the ventuswill whining
The crown girl is the one i'm worried most about since she looks just as generic as pink.