Xbox sales pitch:

Xbox sales pitch:
>But you can play all these old games you've already played on it!
What compels a human, who has millions of years of evolution behind him stopping him from buying garbage, buy this?

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It doesnt break down like the PS5, which has the worst build quality of any Sony Console to date.

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I like to play good games I don’t care how old they are. Xbox allows me to do that and some instances in 4K and improved performance, that’s why I purchased series x

But where are the new games?

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I don't know, user.

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ps5 sales pitch:
>you can rebuy all these old games you've already bought for $70 on it!
Don't act like sony isnt worse

Ok it comes down to money. But this shit console if you want to replay old games and are poor. Or buy this new console for 9/10 games.

I am SNOY fan but just went for the Xbox this gen. Can't be fucked buying Japanese exclusives.

Xbox has new games, I’m not gonna try and spoon feed a retard

Coming or on Gamepass.

>imagine buying an xbox this gen
>after seeing the disaster that was xbone lineup
name 1 (one) xbone exclusive that was good. You can't because they don't exist
>b-but m$ has bought all these new studios!
Yes and they are all sjw and has been studios like obsi 'queens and kings' dian and ninja 'stronk angry brave woman' theory. Get ready to lose another gen.

>xbox sales pitch
>play our old and new games 10$ a month, but we don't have new games yet
>ps5 sales pitch
>play our remake, expansion pack and children's game made by hacks, all for full price
gee I wonder

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I would unironically buy new shitbox for old games, because new microsoft games don't exist and playstation games also don't exist
while box's hardware is stronger so it's better for older shit

You type like a psychopath

And all the exclusives that get 9/10 on metacritic while xbox exclusives languish in the 60s (sea of thieves, crackdown 3).

>Yes and they are all sjw

So I'm going with the switch then, Sony is pure SJW now.

>IF you support snoy you are psychopath!!
Is there any low that xbots wont sink to ?

>exclusives that get 9/10 on metacritic
This is another
>journos gave shit i like 9/10 so good
you also are a faggot, 9/10 on snoy are god of war, last of us and horizon
>xbox exclusives
literally don't give a shit, there are no interesting and good new games on either platform, exclusives or not, and fable with stalker a vaporware basically so they might turn out good if they even exist

older games, however?
>asura's wrath
I would buy anything that would allow me to play this.


Just like godfall right?
Oh, nigga Morales was 86 wasn't it?

Xbox made 8 new games this year (all different from another), but normies only care about the Movie experience. Same thing with upcoming titles, ppl seriously think that only Halo is being made right now.

>all SJW
user, sony vidya department is literally in california now, and their last games are full of onions.

Why do you care so much?

Brand loyal is for cucks. I see a better product, I choose it.

This, I'm not a retard and enjoy gaming, don't care about Sony movie propaganda, my Xbox will serve me well.

>8 new games
Which ones?

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Id play a hundred hours of SoT before all of the dogshit "90s" Snoy has put together. Guess its because I like playing videogames

What is SoT?

>inb4 xbot miraculously disappears from the threa

>No u too

Kek, fuck off kid

Stop lying faggot. You just don't care to know about any game that doesn't have Sony's logo on it.

>Making a list for a lazy faggot on the internet.

Search it retard

Check this out
>find a group of friends with consoles
>share accounts
>exchange consoles
>you can now play anything you want

Should just turn it into an all in one vacuum cheese grater fridge console combo.

Ori 2, Gears Tactics, Minecraft Dungeons, Flight Sim, Tell Me Why, Wasteland 3, Battletoads, AOE 3 definitive.

not him, but which xbox exclusives have >70 metasc
Not him, but i checked
>bleeding edge
>xcom gears
What else? I don't see much more.

hes pulled a disappearing act dont expect a reply lol

Ori, Flight Sim are > 90.
Gears tactics, Minecraft Dungeons, Wasteland 3 are > 80
Didn't like battletoads.

indie shit plus on all platforms
>gears tactics
it's fine, okay
>ori 2
>flight sim
>tell me why
Don't Fag Interactive quest without gameplay
>wasteland 3
Multiplat which was in development long before microsoft deal
indie shit
>AOE3 remaster
Fuck this gay shit, fuck remakes, fuck DS remake too, fuck them all, this doesn't count for either platform.

These are not exactly the games which would buy me, compared to some grind shit like ghost of tsushima or gays gone.

Still would buy xbox for old shit which was better than anything in that list. Also,
>8 games by microsoft
>multiplat indie

>all on pc
>Ori 2
worse than hollow knight
>Gears Tactics
>Minecraft Dungeons
>Flight Sim
Holy shit are you even trying
>Tell Me Why
Trans mc
>Wasteland 3
The definition of 'average'
>AOE 3 definitive
K so a 22 year old game
Lmao bots are grasping at straws its kinda sad

> Ori 2
> Multiplat
I can't find it on PS, can I ?

hey, wasteland 3 is pretty good.

On switch, you can. And on pc.

theres tons of crpgs that are better
>dos 1
>dos 2
list goes on

Consolefags are genuinely retarded and have zero understanding of value. It's the same poorfag mentality that leads to buying a 6 pack of toilet paper rather than the 8 pack even though it's cheaper per roll.

That being said, if you're already a simpleton and are guaranteed to get a console the SeX is the superior option.

> I don't like those games so they don't count.
Called it. Brainwashed trannies only care about walking simulators and only move the goalpost when ppl mention real games with actual gameplay. Kys

This list is basically arguable, but that's not the point since the game itself is still pretty good.

Im real happy sonytrannies and other mentally ill manchildren are influencing game reviews, Ill happily play what microsoft has to offer on my xbox

As all games should be. Exclusivity is anti-consumer and only exist to tie you down to 1 console and be cucked with it for 7 years.

My take on this. Coming from ps4/xbone gens dont exist per say. It Is all crossgen, soft reboot, whatever, for some time. It Is very PCeeish. But for those who dont take gaming too seriously. Like me for example.
I'm in this situation, I bought ps4 for bloodborne, lost interest by the end of ps4 lifespan in Sony movies. Xbone I recieved ad a gift, and coming into 2020 I had more games on it due to deals, gamepass, gifts, better controller for my taustes etc. Now, it Is kinda viable for me to upgrade an xbox in this ecosystem. Considering the fact that it Is a better machine tech wise, it Is a no brainer. I will get a ps5 down the line though, after hardware revision probably.


Are you seriously suggesting that those uh 'games' are better than bloodborne, uncharted 4, god of war, hzd, last of us, tshushima, nioh, ff7 remake, soc and spider man?

>pcfag upgrades his gayman pc to play his tranny shit better
>perfectly fine
>Xboxchad buys the next Xbox console to play all his games better
>not okay for some reason

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>70 metascore?
gears games
all mainline halo games
killer instinct definitive edition
all Forza Horizon games and Forza Motorsport 6 and 7

I know that they all should be multiplat, corporations are faggots. But still, we are arguing which platform has better consoomer bait, not whether they should have exclusives at all.

New game bad

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thread should have ended here

>games released in 2020 have >70 metacritic
>which ones?
>gears (all pre-2020)
>halo (all pre-2020)
>killer instinct (pre-2020)
>forza (all pre-2020)
are you retarded