Xbox sales pitch:


Are you seriously suggesting that those uh 'games' are better than bloodborne, uncharted 4, god of war, hzd, last of us, tshushima, nioh, ff7 remake, soc and spider man?

>pcfag upgrades his gayman pc to play his tranny shit better
>perfectly fine
>Xboxchad buys the next Xbox console to play all his games better
>not okay for some reason

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>70 metascore?
gears games
all mainline halo games
killer instinct definitive edition
all Forza Horizon games and Forza Motorsport 6 and 7

I know that they all should be multiplat, corporations are faggots. But still, we are arguing which platform has better consoomer bait, not whether they should have exclusives at all.

New game bad

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thread should have ended here

>games released in 2020 have >70 metacritic
>which ones?
>gears (all pre-2020)
>halo (all pre-2020)
>killer instinct (pre-2020)
>forza (all pre-2020)
are you retarded