So how did your parents interfere with your video games, Zig Forums?
>be in highschool
>father works for intelligence agency in undisclosed country, ex military too
>think your alphabet soup agency with a shady mission statement and you've got it
>It's a friday
>really don't feel like going to school that day
>live on a beach city and it's pleasantly warm, so pack Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, some water and some sandwiches and decide to read a bit by the beach, have a picnic of sorts
>school goes from 0700 to 1300, fridays and wednesdays have extracurricular shit that goes all the way to 1600
>completely forgot about the extracurriculars, go home
>get there at 1320something
>go inside
>father's home
>dead silence
>"how was school?"
>"it was fine"
>he just looks at me and nods as I go back to my room
>start playing some San Andreas on the PS2
>20 minutes later, father opens the door and sits by my bed
>"So I called your school and they said you didn't show up."
>"well I uh"
>"If you're going to lie, at least do it properly."
>gets up and walks out the door
>"Oh, and enjoy your video game because this is the last time you'll ever play it in my house."
>He's saying this in the calmest, softest voice I've ever heard him speak in
>oh no
>continue playing gta, dreading the next day
>sure as shooting, the following day the PS2 and my game collection aren't in my shelves anymore
>Dad calls me outside
>see all my games and ps2 on the grass
>he hands me a hammer and says if I don't do it, he will
>break all my games and console while he watches like a fucking hawk
>"Today, it's your father breaking your games. Tomorrow, it could be your life, by someone else's hand. This wouldn't have happened if you told the truth. Or were better at lying. Keep that in mind."
>Literally didn't play video games for the next 5 years because "I said you wouldn't play video games in my house and I mean it", no matter how much my mother pleaded him, he was adamant about it
Was he right?
Vidya Parents
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Well, you did lie to your father OP. And from the greentext it doesn't look like you were sorry. So yeah, it was a good lesson for you.
sounds like the biggest moron ever, its just one fucking school day jesus
didnt read lol
wtf based
The dad is based and, most importantly, doesn't go back on what he said
>no vidya ever
>doesn't allow his shithead son to play games 2 weeks later
Anyway it's about the principle of the thing
'Course not.
get fucked, when I'm a dad I'll do something similar
>>"Today, it's your father breaking your games. Tomorrow, it could be your life, by someone else's hand. This wouldn't have happened if you told the truth. Or were better at lying. Keep that in mind."
Is he implying that you could die because you skipped school? Even if so, why does he then say that you should have told the truth or lied better? Seems like a retard overall, (ex-)military guys always have a hard on about "teaching a lesson" by forcing a bad experience
your dad sounds like a nigger.