Vidya Parents

>works for an intelligence agency

It's even worse than that, he's a glownigger.

>Assuming this isn't a larp can you tell us anything about your dad's work? Working for an intelligence agency sounds really interesting.
I'd really rather not. The bits he told me aren't really that interesting but I doubt he tells me the interesting bits
Also to whom it may concern, we have a decent relationship nowadays. I even asked him about the video games thing and he said if I had told him the truth he would probably just have grounded me for a day or two, the thing that set him off was telling such a weak lie and thinking it'd be enough.
I did skip school after that though but I never forgot what time I was supposed to be back home again though lol

Based user, learning one way or the other.

Holy shit this. My parents were cool with it but SOOOO many of my friends would have their parents buy them a bunch of games and the newest consoles but would NEVER let them fucking play them. What sort of level of parenting autism is that?

99% of people are idiots who don't think shit all the way through.

Bitch I are so many slaps across the face in my childhood for trying to pull shit you have no idea what you're talking about, I just wasn't raised by people who educate through psychological manipulation

you grew up into a frogposter so your parents failed anyhow

the frog is to get people posting in my thread
thanks for the contribution