What happened to him? He went from unambiguously good and likable to psychopath over two games

what happened to him? He went from unambiguously good and likable to psychopath over two games

Attached: huey.jpg (512x512, 102.98K)

he monkey

To make sense of Hal and Emma's backstories

Until I replayed the game mroe recently, I had completely forgotten that little tidbit after the Mosquito mission where Kaz states that Mosquito was "under the 'mistaken' impression that Big Boss was the one who sold out Mother Base." That line ended up making some of Huey's bullshit a little more understandable for me after he claimed to have "never betrayed Snake."

Huey was always a bit less stable than Otacon, I think. Like even in Peacewalker, he had a bit less integrity, I guess, and he was a little more bitter.

What would Big Boss have to gain from selling out Mother Base? He was a victim too, remember?

And what would Huey have to gain from it? He's like the absolute victim in this case.

Huey didn't lose nine years of his life. Out of everyone caught up in that incident, Big Boss had the least to gain. And nothing Skull Face said casts suspicious on him either.

I'm not saying it was definitely Huey that did it, but out of everyone in the cast, Big Boss has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by selling out to Cipher.

I replayed GZ and TPP recently and then quit midway due to exhaustion and I was wondering if it wasn't the treatment he received on MB that made him do all the stupid shit. Yeah he killed Strangelove, that is pretty sketchy but there was no proof that he really sold out motherbase but Miller and Ocelot kept hurling abuse at him.

There's the rub, innit? Why did Ocelot believe that BiBo needed a phantom to take his place on the world stage while he built his "true military utopia"? I think there's merit to the notion Snake saw himself as too big a target to too many people and needed to throw away everything and start over in a more underground capacity to see his perverse take on The Boss's dream realized.