What happened to him? He went from unambiguously good and likable to psychopath over two games

what happened to him? He went from unambiguously good and likable to psychopath over two games

Attached: huey.jpg (512x512, 102.98K)

he monkey

To make sense of Hal and Emma's backstories

Until I replayed the game mroe recently, I had completely forgotten that little tidbit after the Mosquito mission where Kaz states that Mosquito was "under the 'mistaken' impression that Big Boss was the one who sold out Mother Base." That line ended up making some of Huey's bullshit a little more understandable for me after he claimed to have "never betrayed Snake."

Huey was always a bit less stable than Otacon, I think. Like even in Peacewalker, he had a bit less integrity, I guess, and he was a little more bitter.

What would Big Boss have to gain from selling out Mother Base? He was a victim too, remember?

And what would Huey have to gain from it? He's like the absolute victim in this case.

Huey didn't lose nine years of his life. Out of everyone caught up in that incident, Big Boss had the least to gain. And nothing Skull Face said casts suspicious on him either.

I'm not saying it was definitely Huey that did it, but out of everyone in the cast, Big Boss has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by selling out to Cipher.

I replayed GZ and TPP recently and then quit midway due to exhaustion and I was wondering if it wasn't the treatment he received on MB that made him do all the stupid shit. Yeah he killed Strangelove, that is pretty sketchy but there was no proof that he really sold out motherbase but Miller and Ocelot kept hurling abuse at him.

There's the rub, innit? Why did Ocelot believe that BiBo needed a phantom to take his place on the world stage while he built his "true military utopia"? I think there's merit to the notion Snake saw himself as too big a target to too many people and needed to throw away everything and start over in a more underground capacity to see his perverse take on The Boss's dream realized.

I don't think Huey knowingly sold out Mother Base. He's just a naive idiot who unironically thought that XOF were on the level. It's the same kind of stupidity that results in people getting their computers infected with tons of viruses because they download hotgirls.exe.

On paper, Huey is actually the most suspicious one. After all, he's the one who scheduled the U.N. inspection. Plus, he did it behind Big Boss's back; neither Big Boss nor Kaz knew about it until after he'd already scheduled it. I mean, isn't it odd? Huey wasn't the top commanding officer of MSF, and yet he apparently gave himself the authority to go beyond his clearance and make a decision that affected the entirety of Mother Base without informing its top brass.

Now, whether he actually intended for all this to happen isn't something I'm interested in arguing with right now. But his actions were certainly suspect.

Did you not pay attention to the tapes? Zero made that decision on his own. By the time he brought Ocelot into the fold, he'd already had the surgery performed. Venom Snake's face remodeling was neither Big Boss nor Ocelot's doing, it was Zero's. Zero then persuaded Ocelot to do the brainwashing. By the time Big Boss woke up, the deed was done, and he simply made the decision to go along with the cards that had already been prepared for him.

>He went from unambiguously good and likable to psychopath over two games
Really subverted your expectations, didn't I, kiddo?

Didn't he admit he allowed the inspection?

Until the revised story of release MGS V reneged on it, remember that the final tape on Peace Walker implies that Miller was Paz's handler and the real traitor to MSF.
The call takes place after Zeke is completed but it's unknown if it's before or after Paz's hijacking (and Paz isn't aware of who the agent on MB is that she knows is watching her).

It's unknown if BB himself ever finds out about Miller's deal during his MSF days because he mentions it exactly once in brief to the body double, and then they seem to drop that story bit entirely.

What Big Boss lost faith in Miller's loyalty after doing exactly what BB told him not to, having painted a massive target on themselves for the Americans?

My point is that even if Huey actually caused MSF's sinking, BB would have had every reason to cut himself loose from Miller and go underground, to the confusion of the surviving men.

Yeah he did but what we're never really told is if he knew that the inspection was just a ruse or if he genuinely thought it was legit.

Well then who would be spreading a rumor among former MSF veterans like Mosquito that Big Boss had betrayed them? With so many holding an almost messianic reverence for him, why wouldn't they immediately default to the nerd who pisses himself all the time or any of his other right-hand men? I don't believe that would be something Skullface or Zero would need to do.

Big boss was looking to delete Zero and Cipher the head of the snake of the industrial military complex and disarm rogue nukes. Israel killed Kennedy for nukes.

That's possible, but he was in a coma for nine years so it's not as if him "going underground" for that period was in any way his idea. He went underground after the attack on the hospital, sure, but the previous nine years wasn't really planned.

It wouldn't have been Skullface or Zero. I think we can probably just chalk it up to paranoia after everything that happened. All things considered, NO ONE has anything to gain from deliberately spreading a rumor like that. Not Big Boss, not Miller, not Cipher, no Huey, not Skull Face. I mean, the only ones who MIGHT stand to gain from it are rival PMCs.

I suppose that's fair. A little simple for a Kojima explanation, but he isn't the king of red herrings for nothing.

It's really just an excuse to introduce FOB missions.

Huey is introducing to the story by swearing that he never wanted to build a nuke robot for a villainous organization, and then enthusiastically deciding to build another nuke robot for Big Boss's private army. His characterization in 5 is pretty extreme but it's pretty in-line with what was established.

He was introduced as a character who tried to commit murder suicide by drowning himself and his step daughter because his wife was cheating on him. He was always a sociopath.

Attached: wat.jpg (840x724, 109.19K)

People always seem to forget that detail.

>Today, I will remind them.

Attached: Untitled.png (600x660, 293.4K)

I remember some lines he gave in Peace Walker seeming a bit off, I know he talks about cloning people, and making nukes and shit.

This. Huey was always very loose with morality and only used it as a way to justify what ever he did. That being said, Miller is the mole which makes sense why he constantly tries to blame some one else, first being Huey and then the real Big Boss, who knew better than to keep him in the fold after Peace Walker. The end of peace walker always struck me as strange with Miller pretty much stating he was the second mole after Paz and Big Boss seems to begin to react only to be cut off for Millers big speech about him seeing war was purely a business. I guess you could say that was the moment that Big Boss decides to cut him out, or at least begins to start planning it.

Personally I believe that Big Boss went along with the body double plan not out of "muh chickening" or "muh warmongering" but rather it seemed like a mission to him, a duty of honor. Even though it was the most dishonorable thing to do.

Remember how he fucking got angry at The Boss AI for not doing it's *mission* to fire a nuke at a random location that likely housed a bunch of civillians?

Also if the NBGO tranny leaks are somehow real, this line that's meant for the Truth ending solidifies this:
>From now on, all we see is his face watching what happens.
>Waiting for the next mission. He envisions the ideal future.

He's so mindlessly consumed by "doing the mission" that he'll do every single one, even if one of them is to "betray everyone you know."

If he was so eager for The Boss AI to do a mission to blow up innocents, he'll be eager to do a mission to use innocents as human shields, he'll be eager to do a mission to betray his friends, he'll be eager to do a mission to throw everyone under the bus. Simply because they're missions and thus he wants to take up the opportunity.

And if someone tasked him to do a mission to kill his men because of a parasite, he would do it without even a single concern or tear because he can't think of anything but being addicted to following a mission.
The even worse part is that the only reason Venom does even have a thought or concern about killing his own men, unlike him, is because Kaz and Ocelot are projecting their own personal image of Big Boss into his amnesiac subconscious, it's not feelings that Venom actually has himself. I believe the demon in Venom's mirror is not supposed to represent just Big Boss but it's also supposed to represent Kaz and Ocelot too.

I forgot the MGS "lore"
Did his wife want to fuck her son more than him, and he killed her for it?