Play Persona 3

>Play Persona 3
>The boys turns down the chance to fuck a QT trans girl


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>haha it's a girl, but with a penis!
i wish. would gladly trade the monstrosities we have today for this

Maybe you should stop focusing on the most egregious ones.


t. been in a relationship with trans girl for nearly three years.

It's nice, but if you fuck it up, you'll just be left wondering if its even possible to love period. What's the next stop? Full on guys? I think I'll pass.

Good luck with your relationship, user-kun.

I tried dating a trans woman once, but its such a hassle. They hate themselves and so most of the relationship is you trying to convice them that that theyre not shit and constantly be their therapist as if you dont also have problems. She was passing enough for me to date but it just felt like dating a rape victim,

0/10 wouldn't recommend

YIKES this seems to be the thread for the mentally-ill and the mentally-ill enablers.

>Japanese humor

Why would you tango with a tranny when you're about to meet Aigis? neither have vaginas,sure, but they can't be compared.

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Lol retard

Never dated a trans person, but this sounds pretty accurate for how my talks with a trans friend of mine used to go. They were pretty much always bouncing between seemingly happy and depressed and talking about suicide.

This was my experience as well, they just keep looking for validation and it's honestly exhausting.

At first there's this idea that you can heal them and make them validate themselves but I guess I'm not hot enough for that so they don't see me as their end game, so the result was a fucking year of weak sex and a lot of crying on her part.

Same post with the exact same 3 responses two weeks back. So i'll repeat what i said back then as well
>user is a Giant Faggot

You will never be a woman.

Maybe YOU should stop focusing on the most egregious ones.

And what is that supposed to mean?

whats with all the faggots itt jesus christ

Gay as fuck my man.

Atleast we're getting laid, turbo nerd

Imagine honestly believing sticking your dick on walking sacks of mental illness has any merit whatsoever. I have more respect for wizard incels than you hyperfaggots in denial.

>I have more respect for wizard incels than you hyperfaggots in denial.

I'm not in denial, I also fuck men and women alike. Unlike you, thinking you're better than anyone when you can't even form an intimate hook up with anybody lmao

>They weren't pushing mental illness as a valid state of the human condition in the early 2000's

God what a saner time, and that was the 9/11 times to boot.

Trannies would be happier if they could accept that they aren't women and simply live as feminine "ladyboys".
The propaganda that's being pushed on them that they LITERALLY are females is causing a huge dissonance and amplifies their feelings of inferiority to XX females.

That's quite rich considering you're the one basing your and others' entire self-worth on the number of crimes against nature they've stuck their shriveled wieners in.
Here's a pointer pal, it's never been easier to get laid than today, bragging about it when you have the standards as low as yours doesn't make you special. In fact, you're even more worthless than the trannies you buttfuck on a daily basis.


>it's never been easier to get laid than today
And yet you're not getting laid at all

just because you are desperate and undesirable enough to fuck mutant trannies doesn't mean everyone else is user

Already told you, I fuck men, women AND trannies. Meanwhile, you masturbate, alone, in your room.
Keep convincing yourself that you're alone because of 'standards' though, I'm sure that lets you sleep well at night atleast.

>Normal heterosexual men don't want to fuck a transexual
>Trannies seethe

Every time. It's no wonder that they commit so many rapes.

holy shit dude just hire a hooker if you're so blue-balled

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never thought I'd say this about a trannyfucker but ABSOLUTELY BASED

It's hilarious how desperately you try to validate your life decisions by calling people on the internet virgins. It truly is like I'm talking to a 10yo back on early Xbox Live lobbies, except that boy is inserting his dick on dilated, gangrenous axe wounds and is attempting to pass it as some sort of achievement with a straight face.

>Bragging about getting 3 times the AIDS
>"Haha handfucker"
>"You're alone but I'm in the arms of this literal faggot who I won't ever talk to again."

There's no fucking difference. If you're slutting it up for fucking sexual gratification why say you're better than some dude who jerks off at home? Because you can talk to people? Listen, I'm not that dude but I fucking hate this shit. Fuck you. Fuck this thread. Normalfags are fucking terrible. I can't think of a more shitty thing to do than go on some shitty forum to brag about being a manwhore.

I'm not trying to validate anything, I'm happy. You, on the other hand...

>There's no fucking difference.
t. virgin

what's the point of these dumbass games?