never thought I'd say this about a trannyfucker but ABSOLUTELY BASED
Play Persona 3
It's hilarious how desperately you try to validate your life decisions by calling people on the internet virgins. It truly is like I'm talking to a 10yo back on early Xbox Live lobbies, except that boy is inserting his dick on dilated, gangrenous axe wounds and is attempting to pass it as some sort of achievement with a straight face.
>Bragging about getting 3 times the AIDS
>"Haha handfucker"
>"You're alone but I'm in the arms of this literal faggot who I won't ever talk to again."
There's no fucking difference. If you're slutting it up for fucking sexual gratification why say you're better than some dude who jerks off at home? Because you can talk to people? Listen, I'm not that dude but I fucking hate this shit. Fuck you. Fuck this thread. Normalfags are fucking terrible. I can't think of a more shitty thing to do than go on some shitty forum to brag about being a manwhore.
I'm not trying to validate anything, I'm happy. You, on the other hand...
>There's no fucking difference.
t. virgin
what's the point of these dumbass games?