I don't fucking get it. Why are ps5s and xsex's smoking and exploding? Is there no quality control...
Yes, because people who play on PC never open their mouth, or people who buy Switches, or Xboxes, or people who don't play video games at all. I swear to God, Zig Forums is a parody of itself.
Bugsnax and Demons Souls.
I assume his wifes boyfriend took the ppicture and posted that
>onions grin = all ways of opening the mouth
Could you stop being a fucking retard?
"But this was my vasectomy gift..."
This, if you buy a console at launch you're basically beta testing for the later improved models. Anyone who has been through more than one console launch knows you hold off for at least a year and let the idiots with no impulse control waste their money on faulty hardware.
>onions grin
Can you stop viewing the world based on memes? Life won't give you ebin upboats redditor.
>why are PS5s and Xbox's overheating
Because the parts were maufactured without proper QA due to covid