Which Sonic female is most deserving of their own game, and why?

Which Sonic female is most deserving of their own game, and why?

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None of them, because none of them would be profitable. Only furfag coomers would buy it, and they're just a loud minority.

You sound like an incel.

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You really want your waifu thread, don't you?

Amy because I think if you expanded on her Sonic Advance moveset, you could get a more moveset focused 3d platformer experience, something kinda like 3D Mario.
If we're going off of their character, Blaze easily.

There's half a dozen anime waifu threads, so apparently it's a thing.

Anyway the actual correct answer is Tangle and Whisper, since they have more unique styles and gameplay potentials.

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Coomers are all incels though. Otherwise they wouldn't be sexualizing a 12 year old cartoon hedgehog.

Blaze has character?

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Her hammer has a lot of fun potential.

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This fatty.

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