>furfag calling someone else an incel
now that's fucking rich
Which Sonic female is most deserving of their own game, and why?
What did he mean by this?
it means furfags are the definition of incels, they are so bad at getting laid they start wanting to fuck cartoon dogs.
You're being awfully off topic, but furfags are known for having sex with everyone. They have entire conventions which are just one big orgy. They are many things, but incels they are not.
Blaze the cat, she's sexy
I'd like to have some fun with Amy's hammer, if you know what I'm saying.
>You're being awfully off topic
you're the one who brought up incels, retard
No, I don't.
take all the female sonic characters and put them in a game that's more focused on social interaction and customizing things. they have all these characters and they never do anything with them because they're afraid people will get mad at them for it. fuck it, it'd be a change
>Her hammer has a lot of fun potential.
The hammer wispon in forces is better than anything Amy could ever have