Works on my machine

>works on my machine

Attached: 281.jpg (1910x1076, 86.97K)

it means you configured your machine wrong, retard

>"Do not make duplicate threads"
>find and bump a thread that's similar to my issue
>"Stop necro'ing threads, I'm closing this."

Attached: tenor (8).gif (498x449, 445.95K)

fucking powertripping mods

>don't necrobump
I still don't get why they don't want you to do this if I'm being honest.

They don't want the first page to be flooded with old dead threads that override the new ones presumably.

>mentally retarded anime poster can’t into computer

>on anime website
>complains about anime

Attached: 366.jpg (1907x1073, 101.55K)

>*links you to another thread instead of posting the goddamn answer*

Attached: 1601918082654.jpg (1024x768, 58.3K)

It does though

Attached: 7869789.jpg (1920x1080, 341.91K)