Works on my machine

>hey guys I fixed this, here's the link
>[you need to log in to be able to view this link]
>you need to activate your account through the link we sent you via email
>email never arrives

Attached: 76867867.jpg (1200x1200, 507.54K)

check your spam folder bro ;)

>you manage to see the link after the email arrives hours later after several re-attempts
>link is dead

Attached: 599-5991841_crying-pepe-png-transparent-png.png (860x602, 152.79K)

>finally log in
>click link
>it's a rapidshare/megaupload link

Attached: 1473895507316.gif (500x270, 490.01K)

You fucking 50 year old men get the fuck out of this site

Nobody has used online forums in 20 years
Nothing you discuss in these threads existed for ages now

I got the fix.
>megaupload link

>PM'd you the fix

Attached: headpat.png (428x427, 334.76K)

>Email arrives
>click link
>An admin needs to verify your account
>never online

Attached: 9797dda.gif (620x349, 875.68K)

I see never mind fixed it on many Steam threads nowadays.