Works on my machine

>works on my machine

Attached: 281.jpg (1910x1076, 86.97K)

it means you configured your machine wrong, retard

>"Do not make duplicate threads"
>find and bump a thread that's similar to my issue
>"Stop necro'ing threads, I'm closing this."

Attached: tenor (8).gif (498x449, 445.95K)

fucking powertripping mods

>don't necrobump
I still don't get why they don't want you to do this if I'm being honest.

They don't want the first page to be flooded with old dead threads that override the new ones presumably.

>mentally retarded anime poster can’t into computer

>on anime website
>complains about anime

Attached: 366.jpg (1907x1073, 101.55K)

>*links you to another thread instead of posting the goddamn answer*

Attached: 1601918082654.jpg (1024x768, 58.3K)

It does though

Attached: 7869789.jpg (1920x1080, 341.91K)

doesn't change the fact that some of you avatarfagging tards are braindead, though.

>did you try reinstalling windows?

Attached: 1564431892650.jpg (1000x900, 450.19K)

>same OS
>same program
>follow every step
>do exactly what's shown in the video
>it doesn't work

Attached: 1556314087033.png (348x422, 197.96K)

>includes an image with a post on an imageboard

you're actually retarded

That's not how avatarfagging works, retard.

Attached: 1483218245256.png (273x254, 145.02K)


Attached: 1581631054698.jpg (963x1024, 81.7K)

This fucking worked for me, though I had to reformat for another reason. I couldnt play Origin games from my Steam library fucking not a single EA helper could help me.

Anime website

Attached: 1584100544010.jpg (1066x1165, 202.23K)

>use the search function next time
*thread locked*

Attached: 1467320989851.png (500x541, 214.49K)

Zig Forums - random/anime WAS an anime board, but Zig Forums was never anime or a Japanese cultural board. Not that you would know though, you likely arrived some time after 2015. It was never an anime website, it was a website for social outcasts and stupid humour; anime was just a large part of it.

Let’s not kid ourselves though; you just want an excuse to pretend you’re an anime girl, because you’re a ugly fucking loser in real life, and are incapable of socially interacting when you’re not pretending to be a fictional child. You’re not only a tranny; you are a pedophile and a mentally stunted retard.

TLDR: not an anime website, fag., and never was.

I hope this is pasta

>derailing an on-topic thread because someone posted an anime girl
go post more blacked or soijaks or something, whatever it is you miserable queers do

I only complain about shit anime, which is what he posted

somewhat based, but also a little cringe

Attached: 1588020311973.jpg (1920x1080, 392.35K)

>find a guy with the same problem
>thread closed instantly because OP fixed his problem without saying how
if you haven't experienced this you haven't used computers enough

Attached: images.jpg (224x225, 13.75K)

>nvm fixed it, you can close the thread now :)

>oh haha sorry my bad it was so easy to fix :D

>can you paste us the error message?
>op posts huge wall of text
>never ever gets used to solve the actual problem

I challenge everyone to name one time the wall of text was used to fix a problem

If the wall of text has a stacktrace, it's useful. Unity is in C#, so it can get a proper stacktrace even in release builds.

>hey guys I fixed this, here's the link
>[you need to log in to be able to view this link]
>you need to activate your account through the link we sent you via email
>email never arrives

Attached: 76867867.jpg (1200x1200, 507.54K)

check your spam folder bro ;)

>you manage to see the link after the email arrives hours later after several re-attempts
>link is dead

Attached: 599-5991841_crying-pepe-png-transparent-png.png (860x602, 152.79K)

>finally log in
>click link
>it's a rapidshare/megaupload link

Attached: 1473895507316.gif (500x270, 490.01K)

You fucking 50 year old men get the fuck out of this site

Nobody has used online forums in 20 years
Nothing you discuss in these threads existed for ages now

I got the fix.
>megaupload link

>PM'd you the fix

Attached: headpat.png (428x427, 334.76K)

>Email arrives
>click link
>An admin needs to verify your account
>never online

Attached: 9797dda.gif (620x349, 875.68K)

I see never mind fixed it on many Steam threads nowadays.