How can Animal Crossing be fixed?

How can Animal Crossing be fixed?

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By enjoying it for what it is.

I want to interact with the arcade cabinets. And can't they make foosball, ping pong, air hockey, etc all playable?

Cooking too, I want cooking

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Do what New Leaf did just on a larger scale. New Horizons stripped everything that its predecesors did and put the absolute bare minimum in there. No, sandbox style gameplay does not make up for that fact, if anything it takes away the cozy small-town feeling of the game and makes your island feel like a museum more than anything else.

le cope et le seethe

tfw you will never cuddle Sable

A shop that's open 24/7. Give it a night crew like the post office with Phyllis. If the museum and the Resident Service desk can be open all day I see no reason the shop can't.
Getting rid of Mr. Resetti was a huge step forward.

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Sable dating sim

All I want is an upgraded shop that isn't the ugly turd we currebtly have.

Before I talk about what needs to be fixed I'm going to say what is wrong with it. Essentially Animal Crossing went from being a life-sim whose gimmick was that it was always playing whether you were or not to a dollhouse simulator. A lot of people complained they didn't have enough control over the world, which was the point. People however insisted that it become The Sims, but AC has never had the depth or amount of things to do as the Sims. The game is less about simulating life and more about collecting random stuff and showing off online.
IMO it needs:
>Many, many more unique lines for villagers
>A friendship system that is more easily understood
>Stories to return, preferably for nearly every villager
All of the QoL changes/demands for old shit ignore that this franchise is quickly coming off the rails and if nothing is done to make it not stale it will become a joke. I can't even say "Well at least its a good dollhouse sim, look at all of the new furniture" because there's such little furniture. NH needs a lot of work.

Would you take responsibility though?

only if this follows pokemon logic and the offspring has the mother's species


They deliberately limited the amount of items per player island so you'd have to trade with others online, and even then you're just trading for minor recolors. Every player has their own "seed" dictating what items you can or cannot get. For fuck's sake, you might never see a proper table in your store unless you go out to trade. Meanwhile Pocket Camp has a metric fuckton of new items that are varied. It feels like Nintendo sent all their actual devs to the mobile division and left a handful of interns to make New Horizons. I also think the women fanbase is to blame for getting things off the rails. Despite how well fleshed out New Leaf was they didn't enjoy working for their landmarks, and focused way too much on dress up by sharing QR codes of "fashion" designs endlessly on Tumblr.

If you want change, you're going to have to lecture the female masses for the changes you want to see. So good luck with that.

Roost when? Was it not datamined months ago?

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>Every player has their own "seed" dictating what items you can or cannot get.
What the fuck? You just mean for the nook miles items right? ...right?

so were Gyroids, don't get why they're holding onto them for so long

The colour of Nook Miles items is determined by the airport colour. The "seed" dictates the colour of the items sold at Nooks.


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Why the hell wouldn't I take responsibility for my wife's children?
I even remembered that her birthday was on the 22nd.

I just want something I can endlessly pump money/nook miles into, like bring back club tortimer but you have to pay a decent chunk of change every visit.

I'm trying to think of an idea for a paid expansion that would be similar to the Octo Expansion the team did for Splatoon 2. Assuming it'd be $20 again.
>call it 'Old Horizons' or something like that
>main draw is that you get an entirely new area--a mainland town that takes inspiration from the GCN game
>buy the pack and Kapp'n starts hanging around your island's dock, which takes you to the mainland
>like mentioned before, the town takes inspiration from the GCN game, and many aspects play into that
>anywhere from 10-15 new villagers can stay in town, which means people will get to have new villager slots
>Gracie returns, having retired from being a full fashion designer. She runs a shop near the beachside where you can get her clothing and put up designs, mirroring the Able Sisters location from GCN
>the pelicans return and run a Post Office near the train tracks, again like GCN
>the town is home to a smaller museum that has town-specific fish, bugs, and fossils
>Copper and Booker are the lost and found again

Honestly I feel like they can't keep adding new traveling merchants/weekly special NPCs without fucking things up even more and they can't add new buildings without ruining people's island setups (the cafe is already hinted to be back in the museum I think), so I feel like adding a new landmass with more space and maybe a couple of new villagers is the way to go.

I was about to say that's stupid, but then I remembered that going to the island costed 1k bells in NL

Quadruple the conversation pool for villagers, make them talk about each other more too

Unironically, relationships.
Not in an amorous sense, but just having some friends to do more stuff with and a friend meter or something

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It's a travesty that as the games progress, villagers have become more shallow. Hopefully now that we've hit some milestones concerning decoration development can shift to giving each villager more unique interactions, between you and other villagers.


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She is too cute.

Why are they holding back features from the original Game Cube game?

It's weird to thing about it, but outside customization fucked a lot of the game
>Can't play hide and seek because of the variable of hiding places
>Bug/fishing catching can't balanced as a real competition because of editable water sources

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Sable is the #1 wifey

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Is is the Able thread?

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Hedgehogs can't quill people like that.


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Animal crossing but all the animals are consumable,and you must eat them to survive and convince new animals to come to the island