Microsoft is investigating Xbox Series X being outperformed by PS5 on third-party games

Developers aren't harnessing XSX's power to the fullest potential, and Microsoft is pissed.

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you ever wonder how weird the word "again" is spelled? like wtf? a-g-a-i-n a-gain?

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>Post yfw you fell for the Xbox meme yet again

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Good, maybe sony pay them under the water to do this

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I hope the extra 2 fps for a week was worth melting your consoles over, snoys

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>It- it's a bug!
>Xbox is still better even though it can't play games better!
This has been a bad month for xbugs.

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>make a shitty console
>lie to people and make up all kinds of bullshit about how the console is good
>cry when all the games run better on other consoles