Developers aren't harnessing XSX's power to the fullest potential, and Microsoft is pissed.
Microsoft is investigating Xbox Series X being outperformed by PS5 on third-party games
you ever wonder how weird the word "again" is spelled? like wtf? a-g-a-i-n a-gain?
>Post yfw you fell for the Xbox meme yet again
Good, maybe sony pay them under the water to do this
I hope the extra 2 fps for a week was worth melting your consoles over, snoys
>It- it's a bug!
>Xbox is still better even though it can't play games better!
This has been a bad month for xbugs.
>make a shitty console
>lie to people and make up all kinds of bullshit about how the console is good
>cry when all the games run better on other consoles
why should developers make a game run as well on a console with 1/10th market of the PS5?
imp microdick should be happy these companies aren t just straight up refusing to make their crippled versions at all on their piece of shit box
to be honest i reckon thatif the xbox games like valhalla didnt have in game purchases and digital content to buy they probably wouldnt even make these shitty games run at all
I hope sonny forces Microsoft to buy even more studios.
The funny thing is how all the "console reviews" gave extra points to the series x because "it has more power for the same price" without actually comparing a single game's performance
>halp, save me daddy ;_;
sx a cute CUTE
nice spacing, fag. don't forget to stretch your axe wound.
if anything is getting axed its xbox
No gaemz. (Ok there are third party games but they are slow)
Yes please fuck with Microsoft Sony studios failed so have their TVs they are hemorrhaging money let's start a war.
Power doesn't directly translate into performance. Been telling Xbots this for half a year now but they don't listen.
The english language spelling is just a clusterfuck.
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What a popular site
So if it's just a few poorly optimized games, there must be a ton of other games where xbox preforms much better, since it's more powerful and not every dev can mess up in the exact same way, right?
Can I get that image of Phil on stage looking down on us?
It is odd that there is a huge difference between say what Gears5 is able to do on series X and some third party titles. Sure it is first party, but it shouldn't be that big a difference.
Still the last couple that DF reviewed have either used the same settings (Watchdogs Legion) with no real difference or mostly lean towards the X version (CoD).
Why do people get so weird about spaced paragraphs...who cares
shouldn't have released a shit tier console along side the SeX, you know the devs are lazy cunts and will just make the game for the SeS instead of utilizing the SeX to it's fullest potential
Yeah DMC5SE Xbox is better for the most part. Cod I think it’s even with Xbox a bit better and maybe Watch dog legion is better? Overall there isn’t that many next gen games available to compare
This should help Uncle Phil understand what's happening.
they already fixed the most aggravating ones
>Microsoft taddling to the teacher because their console is a piece of shit
holy fuck xcucks literally on suicide watch, it’s over and the gen has barely started
the new xbox doesn't use a hdd
ahahahahahahaha the state of microdick
>Developers aren't harnessing XSX's power to the fullest potential, and Microsoft is pissed.
Yes they are.
PS5's exact architecture is just unknown to the public.
But it has an SSD, fool
>zoomers will reply to this obvious bait
Well, maybe something can be done, but the ps5 has better gaming performance since their CU's are clocked higher (even though it has less of them, but it doesn't matter)
Good. They better fix it soon before people get a PS5 for power.
Remember like a week ago when we were all japing and mirthing about Phil being videogame trump going "STOP THE COUNT!"?
haha. funnny joke.
what about the games that run better on xbox?
Thank you, user! I have sent this to the top engineers at Xbox!
Wasn't it because they gave out a shitty devkit?
I could swear I read something like that but I can't tell what's real or shitposting anymore.
>Sony gives Devs the Devkit 5 months before you do
>Wonder why third parties are performing better on Sony's gamebox
Huh, I wonder. Though I wouldn't be surprised to see Microsoft burn money hand over fist to get Devs like Ubisoft to release optimization patches specifically aimed at SeX performance soon.
In the DMC V SE video there is literally one scene on the 120 fps mode that completely blows out Series X with a minor lead by PS5 throughout. SeX has a minor advantage in the rest of the modes.
However, who the fuck has a 120 hz screen for a console? Less than 10%? I also don't care about asscreed and dirt #9000
Wouldn't be far fetched it's intentional sabotage. This is Sony after all, they'll spend all the money they can.
Doesn't matter, Microsoft just needs to wait till Summer and then laugh as the PS5's start sounding like XF-84H's
holy xbot cope
>ms forces microsoft to get their shit together and optimize
>games end up running even better on ps5