Is using Divine Pulse cheating?

Id fuck her underage pussy until I cum deep inside her

No but they give you too goddamn many of it. It turns 3H into a ridiculously offense focused game because you get 10 do overs per map, and each map can be beat in 4 turns.

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Well, is Savescumming to try again after losing a unit in any other Fire Emblem cheating?
Whatever your answer is to that, it's the same.

No, it isn't. Divine Pulse is an intended game mechanic (hence its limited number of uses) whereas savescumming is accounted for, but not prefered.

It's less cheating than Phoenix god mode from fates.

No, it is gay though.

Fire Emblem games have randomness and more units than you'll ever need, because you're not actually supposed to make sure everyone lives. It's war. People die.

At least, that was the point. Then people got attached to the side characters. Especially since Awakening. So now everyone's supposed to live, but you still have to deal with replaying that last hour because you missed you 90% hit, and got hit by a 1% crit. Fuck that. It may have been how you were playing all along, but it was never the point.

Shadows of Valentia and Three Houses both have smaller armies and more development for side characters. So, since you're supposed to keep them all alive, you've got a way to turn back time and deal with that 1% crit. It's not cheating, it's just a new mechanic to make the new intended playstyle more fair. You still can't just be a complete dumbass.

Oh god don't remind me. It was bad enough to have a mode that gives them back at the end of the chapter.

I don't get why divine pulse is even a thing if you can pick the option to not lose units

It barley even shows up in the story so why is it there

I really only use it when I realize I can make a slightly more optimal move during my turn. If it's to the point where I know I'm going to lose a battle, I just start over.

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