Why does it suck?

Everybody online has constantly circlejerked this series wherever possible. I picked up the collection for Switch yesterday on sale and it...kinda sucks. Overhyped or am I just not getting it?

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To be fair, you need to have a fairly high IQ to appreciate the nuances of Bioshock and its tales of man’s hubris and folly.

Why the fuck would you play a game like this on the Switch?

His fat wife took his money

Play System Shock 1

This should be played on KB+M you dingus.

But yes it is mostly a had-to-be-there sort of thing. The graphics and worldbuilding were amazing for the time.

>Playing it with a Switch
Beyond that, it's an okay game. I still replay it every time and so, I then replay Bioshock 2 and System Shock 2 soon afterwards.

the world building and story are still good but my god the gameplay has aged like absolute dogshit.

is it even worth playing 2 and infinite bros? i beat 1 a month ago and thought it was a 5/10

2 is in line with 1 in terms of gameplay, infinite is rather different.

It's a good game. Not the best but it's good. You git filtered user.


2 is more of the same with a worse protag and even more dumbed down hacking. infinite plays a lot differently with energy shield and riding ziplines

It's all about atmosphere. Gotta play stoned with headphones.


fpbp. I'm pretty sure you're being a cheeky cunt, but it is honestly a cool game for this reason. plus the weapon wheel and environmental storytelling was top notch. It's not every day that a developer takes on a living breathing ideology like libertatianism and explores it in a fleshed out way like they did in bioshock 1

2 was weak. linear, clunky, had bad pacing, bad characters and was a rehash. INFINITE was just fucked from a lot of gameplay and narrative standpoints. Plus kicking 1890s christian racists is tired and old hat, and somehow they even screwed that theme up.

I imagine it sucks on the Switch

>kicking 1890s christian racists is tired and old hat
at least they balanced that a bit by also having us mow down the rebelling slaves

>playing FPS on Switch
One of the most retarded OPs I've ever seen

but like, for what purpose? I have never seen a message get so flipped midgame. It wasn't powerful so much as it was bizarre. and the guns all flipped too. That game makes me mad.

Not getting it. It has to be your "baby's first fps with magic" or some shit.

Shooting sucks.

>but like, for what purpose
Ken Levine is a hack.
>8 hour long shooter
>4 hours taken by shitty combat
>3 hours taken by elizabeth, the only sort of good part which they fucked up
>then they released dlcs and fucked it up even more
>we have 1 spare hour, and we need brownie points, so let's make a message
>in addition to a message about religious cultism
>what do you mean it feels underdeveloped?

>try our infinite's Burial at Sea dlc
>they shoved in a sky-hook and rail shit in rapture
>twits with boxes on their head that stop bullets
>every other random carries a hand canon
this is rough
get a lesser version of Elizabeth

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Thank god Levine was outed as an hack after Burial At Sea EP2, and if he ever is attached to another game project people are going to be far more wary.

>Levine was outed as an hack after Burial At Sea EP2
What? When?

I played it on ios

Well done OP on seeing through the 'bioshock is so deep' bullshit. I myself fell for it for years

2, and minerva's den, is the best in the series. stay away from infinite

Literally impossible

>linear, clunky
2's level design isn't any more linear than the first's (I'd actually argue that it's more vertical), and its gameplay is considerably less clunky, especially regarding the changes made to hacking machines and researching enemies.

based hackerbro

>worse protag
How is playing as a giant scuba monster with a drill arm worse than a generic guy in a sweater.

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This. 2 is just a better 1, and Minerva's Den is even better. The only Shock content that I felt came close to SS2.

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>tfw still no pause wheel in BS2 on PC
Why even live?

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Anyone telling you to touch infinite cannot be trusted. They aren't even human. 2 is a total improvement on th gameplay front and the best gameplay in the franchise easy. Infinite has even worse gameplay than 1. For example in 2 you can simultaneously wield plasmids and guns at the same time to seamlessly weave both together in combat. Upgrades actually change the function of the plasmid in 2. By the end of the game you can tk 3 throw a live enemy in the air and skeet shoot it with a harpoon gun to pin it to the ceiling. 2 is fucking great.

it doesn't suck, it just doesn't hold up to System Shock.

bit of a brainfart, i meant to say 'antag'

If that's what you saw you were either a child or got filtered. BioShock is deep... underwater. It is praised for its atmosphere. Look how many people praise FNV. That is a total dogshit game that skates by on its atmosphere too. Albeit bioshock pulls off its vision much more memorably. They both suck as games.