Why does it suck?

>worse protag
How is playing as a giant scuba monster with a drill arm worse than a generic guy in a sweater.

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This. 2 is just a better 1, and Minerva's Den is even better. The only Shock content that I felt came close to SS2.

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>tfw still no pause wheel in BS2 on PC
Why even live?

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Anyone telling you to touch infinite cannot be trusted. They aren't even human. 2 is a total improvement on th gameplay front and the best gameplay in the franchise easy. Infinite has even worse gameplay than 1. For example in 2 you can simultaneously wield plasmids and guns at the same time to seamlessly weave both together in combat. Upgrades actually change the function of the plasmid in 2. By the end of the game you can tk 3 throw a live enemy in the air and skeet shoot it with a harpoon gun to pin it to the ceiling. 2 is fucking great.

it doesn't suck, it just doesn't hold up to System Shock.

bit of a brainfart, i meant to say 'antag'

If that's what you saw you were either a child or got filtered. BioShock is deep... underwater. It is praised for its atmosphere. Look how many people praise FNV. That is a total dogshit game that skates by on its atmosphere too. Albeit bioshock pulls off its vision much more memorably. They both suck as games.